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Coconut Oil – Undisputed decadence for the hair, skin and body

Unless you’ve been living on a remote desert island for the past decade, you can’t have failed to notice the resurgence of coconut oil.  It has now become synonymous with skin and hair care. The question is…does coconut oil deserve this hype? Let’s look at exactly what it is, what it can do for you, […]


Love is in the air…

It is that time of year again… hearts and flowers are everywhere in the shops, restaurants are getting booked, and chocolates and perfume are flying out the shops, which can mean only one thing – Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching. It’s the one day of the year when couples actually take time to appreciate each […]


Best oils for our external health

The skin is the body’s largest organ and its main function is to form a protective barrier for the body. However, 60% of the chemicals which we apply topically are absorbed into the body and many of these synthetic ingredients are known to contain harmful chemicals which can majorly disrupt our bodies and may increase […]


Managing arthritis the natural way

The winter season is most definitely upon us, and whilst some may welcome the change in weather, for others the colder months can be especially painful, particularly for those suffering from arthritis.  Perhaps your grandparents used to complain about achy joints and could put the weather forecasters to shame by magically predicting an unexpected drop […]


Best Natural Oils for our future health and well being

Since the beginning of time, Nature has provided care for man. Plant extracts have given man the opportunity to prevent and treat their diseases. The scientific pharmacy and chemically produced pharmaceuticals started with the extraction of natural chemicals from plants. Since then, we have left our health in the hands of chemical man-made alternatives.  However, […]


Custom blend your own face serum

Why do I need a face serum? Winter is fast approaching and it’s time to bring in the big guns to take care of our skin care. This time of year plays havoc with our skin – cold, dry air, wind, going from hot to cold environments, rain, snow, and being bundled up in hats, […]

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I must improve my bust!

Ladies, not satisfied with your breasts? Then you are not alone. A study published in Body Image analysed the data of a Breast Size Satisfaction Survey which was collected from 18,541 women in 40 countries. 71% of women were dissatisfied with the size of their breasts, with an incredible 48% wanting larger breasts and 23% […]

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Natural remedies for stretch marks

Stretch marks, or striae gravidarum to use the correct term, are a common problem for both men and women, affecting up to 70% of women and 40% of men. They generally appear on the stomach, thighs, hips, lower back, breasts, buttocks and upper arms. The general reason is due to physical changes to the body, […]


Bid a fond farewell to the appearance of cellulite!

If you are suffering from cellulite, don’t despair, you are not alone! It is estimated that between 80 – 90% of women will experience some kind of cellulite in their lifetime. Cellulite most commonly affects the thighs and buttocks, although it can also affect other areas, for instance the breasts, lower abdomen and upper arms. […]

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Luscious Lashes

The eyes are often described as the window or mirror to the soul, and therefore it’s only right that we wish to draw attention to them, so what better way to do this than with our lashes, which were aptly described by William Shakespeare as ‘the fringed curtains’ in The Tempest.  Whilst long eyelashes may […]

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