Nefertiti Planet getting healthy

Balance of Nature

There is a bright side of COVID-19, and how this scary virus has unintentionally been beneficial to humanity and our planet!!

Situation now Days

Today’s situation

Lockdowns, medical shortages and social distancing have now become the norm for most people as this virus COVID-19 continues to sweep across the globe creating chaos and much loss for many people. However, at the same time something strange is happening – due to these tragic circumstances we can also notice some interesting and significant changes on our planet. While families are forced to spend more time at home and with each other, and many of us finally getting to do the things we “never had time to do”, our planet and nature are at last having a much-needed break from all the pollution and harm we have been causing for so many years on end! 

Nature is recovering!

Deer in cityNature finally has a chance to catch its breath at this point, and remarkable reports are being made from different parts of the world. For example, in Japan it has been reported that deer have been spotted in the streets. After many decades now in Venice the cleanest channels are measures and the return of many species of fish found.

As early as this first week of lockdown, stifling pollution levels in India, a country of more than 1.3 billion people, have already drastically decreased. This is especially true of the harmful microscopic matter known as PM 2.5 that is mainly discharged into the air by factories and vehicles. According to the UK Independent, recovery has even been measured in the ozone layer as air pollution and CO2 levels have decreased. During the lockdown, China also reported much less nitrogen dioxide emissions and studies at Columbia University show a 10% drop in CO2 levels. By the Center of Research on Energy and Clean Air, this is estimated to be around 200 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is more than half of the UK’s total emissions….

At long last, nature has gotten a well-deserved and much-needed break, as the decline in human activity has significantly reduced pollution, allowing the planet to heal and renew itself. The fantastic result, if these conditions persist for longer periods of time, could very well lead to a much cleaner world and thoroughly restored nature.

So our beautiful planet is restoring itself

This truly is great news for both nature and our planet! However, let’s be very well aware that continuation of this natural healing process can really only be achieved if we continue to care for our planet, even after this pandemic and lockdown has ended. At least these unfortunate circumstances of COVID-19, enabled many of us to find an opportunity of working from home instead of driving to work every day. As a result the use of vehicles and with it polluting emissions has been drastically reduced.

Planet getting healthy 1 1

Many of the activities that we still think we should be done by physical presence, as we had always been doing, can be arranged in other ways as well. Even for people with disabilities there are so many tasks and possibilities of work that can be performed from home. Many of us start to see the importance again of small things that we gradually have been taking for granted, and actually became completely unnoticed after so much time. This positive attitude – that is spreading like an oil slick around the world – can and should be further encouraged, especially after this lockdown situation has ended.

Responsibility for a brighter future

Bright futureNow after so many years of warnings and alarming environmental changes, humanity is finally starting to take our living conditions seriously. Governments finally realize the importance of investing in healthcare rather than industries that are destroying the rich natural resources of the planet. If every single person around the world would change their priorities and focus more on health, nutrition, education and peace, the future of our world will look bright again. And with it the future of humanity would be ensured! So much more than our old capitalist approach that is focused on money and profit only, which goes hand in hand with wasting our natural resources.

Quality time with family

Productivity can continue to thrive, even from our homes. Family bonds can be strengthened, parents will be more capable to support children struggling with school work and every member of the family will be able to enhance their creativity while trying to create activities for the families. This may even be the perfect time to enrol in that online course you keep putting off! Start learning that beautiful other language now or playing that instrument you’ve always been dreaming about. Now we as well have the opportunity to take a break from our daily routines and think about our family, health and goals. We may even only use this time to finally relax. Take up meditation or find alternative methods to de-stress from the rush of everyday life. Make this break for our planet also to be a break for you!

Think Smart Familytime

Think smart and in favour of nature

We can all do our part for our planet during this lockdown. This is a great opportunity to lessen the use of plastics en a chance to find ways to recycle more. Throw away less food and teach children the importance of caring for our own living space and for nature in general. To reduce the consumption, abuse and waste of our resources there are as many simple steps we can take. Wear a sweater when it’s cold instead of turning up the heat. Or open a window when it is hot, no need to use the air conditioner. Alternative products are also available for chemical sprays, such as hair sprays or deodorants. We can use this time to educate ourselves, correct old habits and focus on our health. Ditch the use of artificial food and adjust superficial make up routines! 

Call of Nature Call of Nature

Currently, every body suffers in one way or another due to this pandemic. Some of us will feel its financial consequences, while others may have to deal with the mental effects that self-isolation can bring. It seems the world is shutting down around us and all economies experience difficulties that will only increase if this virus  remains uncontrollable much longer. Though in the end we will overcome all of this and soon spring will come, brighter than ever before. 

So while staying at home, we all have time to think about the positive lessons that nature is teaching us during this episode of history… it is providing us with the chance of enhancing humility and empathy for one another, and to care for our shared home together: Our Beautiful Planet Earth.

Let’s all take advantage of this forced interruption and opportunity to take good care of our planet again. Mother Nature most certainly will return the favour to us.

Nature is refreshing

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