Are you also one of the persons suffering from sleep disorders?
Sleep disorders usually do not stop by themselves, but the problem of “becoming independent” develops. This means that our brain takes it for granted (as opposed to constant pain). That is why it is particularly important to break the vicious circle of sleep disorders.
The so-called “vicious circle” already arises with the situation that the person concerned already asks himself the night before falling asleep:
- How long are I awake again?
- Can I fall asleep quickly?
- Do I sleep through the night?
- How can I go through the next day if I do not sleep again?
- Is something wrong in my head because I cannot switch off?
- I’m going crazy if I cannot sleep anymore!
- I will not take sleep aids that are addictive!
- What can I do?
Getting out of this circle is not easy but important!!!
As a result, irritability during the day, lack of concentration, but also physical reactions can be caused, such as:
Palpitations, sweating, tense and consequent pain, including headaches.
The lower graph shows the diabolical cycle:
Sleep disorders occur unpredictably for no apparent reason
sure I can not fall asleep again today
Anger, anger, helplessness, resignation
Physical reaction:
Tension, alertness or insomnia
Of course, we should reconsider our habits!
These habits promote our insomnia:
- Our body gets out of balance due to irregular bedtime periods (Make sure: after a weekend of sleep we often experience sleep disturbances during the night from Sunday to Monday)
- To catch the lack of sleep at night, we take a short sleep breaks during the day.
- Fall asleep during the TV program. A short nod is enough to find no sleep afterwards.
Alcohol actually improves sleep but worsens the second half of the night
That’s why we explain to you how using essential oils can interrupt the vicious circle of sleep disorders.
Sleep better with essential oils!
How do essential oils help you fall asleep?
Consciously we absorb the fragrance of the essential oils, unconsciously enters their effect. Essential oils are absorbed by the fragrance center in the brain and pass on your active ingredients from there. Its calming effect ensures a fast and deep sleep and a quiet night.
Essential lavender oil helps with its calming property of the everyday stress to gain distance and thus fall asleep better. Lavender (Lavendula offincinalis) oil helps with headaches and migraines, eliminates restlessness, difficulty falling asleep and relieves depression. There are different ways to take advantage of lavender.
Are you a plant lover? Get lavender plants into the house. Do you love a relaxing bath before going to bed? Add some lavender essential oil mixed with carrier oil to the bath water.
What you may not yet know: You can also make lavender tea. Also Lavender lemonade is refreshing and soothing: here is the recipe for you:
- 3-4 tablespoons of dried lavender (35 g)
- 1 liter of water
- 2 lemons
- 1 tbsp honey (25 g)
- Ice cubes
Boil a 1/2 liter of water, add the lavender & honey, boil for 10-15 min, 10 min. let draw, second half of water, strain, squeeze lemon, add juice; Finished!
Marjoram oil
Not just “circling thoughts”, but a cold can keep you from falling asleep. Peaceful sleep with a cold; the essential marjoram oil (Origanum marjoranum), helps you to do that! It has a relaxing, calming and sleep-inducing effect. Its ingredients have expectorant, decongestant and ease breathing. Just apply a few drops using a Diffuser in the sleeping area.
Chamomile oil
Essential chamomile oil, (Chamaemelum nobilis) has long been known as a miracle cure but is also an excellent “essential oil for calming sleep“.
With its warm, delicate fragrance, it relieves tension and mental cramps. It helps with depression, shock and sleep disorders.
Melissa oil
The essential oils of Melissa (Melissa officinalis) help against insomnia, nervousness and weather sensitivity and its symptoms. It has a mood-enhancing, harmonizing, calming and sleep-inducing effect. Essential Melissa oil helps you to reduce stress. It relieves the symptoms of over-stimulation and stress and the resulting sleep disorders. A balanced sleep through the use of Melissa oil by means of a Diffuser in the sleeping area makes the following day appear in a completely different light. Melissa oil is one of the excellent essential oils for good night sleep.
Jasmine oil essential oil for reassurance
Essential jasmine oil has an extremely calming effect on our mood. Researchers have found that jasmine oil forms the same receptors in the brain as benzodiazepine and barbiturates. It is almost as strong as Valium itself. It has a relaxing effect but at the same time it awakens creativity. Jasmine oil applied in a Diffuser or bath ensures a relaxed sleep and a confident start to the next morning.
An additional welcome effect: use essential oils to repel mosquitoes!
Many essential oils expel annoying pests such as mosquitoes, which prevent us from falling asleep.
Another tip: Essential oil sleep recipe
Create your own sleep spray! Essential oil blend for good sleep
Fill a small pump bottle with your own creation of essential oils, which you spray as a room spray at bedtime!
Nefertiti oils and herbs offer you all the essential oils that will help you to a restful sleep!
Nefertiti Essential oils Egypt grows the plants for the production of its oils in its own, controlled cultivation (in Fayum Egypt) without the addition of chemical products.
Visit us in one of the Nefertiti shops or order from our online shop.