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No added sugar required…..diabetic and already sweet enough.

Diabetes is now a global crisis, with approximately 422 million people diagnosed worldwide, and that figure is expected to escalate to over 642 million by 2040. The figure has been steadily increasing over the past few decades, and 1.6 million deaths per year are attributed directly to diabetes.               […]

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Blood pressure – how low can you go? 

Blood pressure is the force of the circulating blood on the walls of the arteries. It is measured in units of millimeters of mercury (mmHg), using a device called a sphygmomanometer, and is done in two parts: systolic (as the heart beats and the force is at its highest), and diastolic (between heart beats when […]

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Cholesterol – the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Everyone’s heard about cholesterol, and no doubt has heard about the dangers of high cholesterol, but what exactly is it? What does it do?    Although it gets a bad rap from the press, did you know that cholesterol is vital to the body, and that there are both good and bad types? Even the […]


The only way to lose weight permanently is the natural way

Today weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry. The demand is high for fad diets, books, DVDs, belts, body wraps, pills, food products and supplements – all promising to make weight loss easier, quicker, permanent. Not to mention fitness centres, clinics, groups and personal trainers. In  the USA during 2008, between US$33 and $US55 billion […]


Ease back into school or uni with therapeutic cold-pressed oils

As summer holidays start to draw to a close, it’s time to put our minds to the kids going back to school. A new term, perhaps a new school or going away to university. For some children the transition will be easy, for others it may bring stress, causing an upset stomach or disturbed sleep, […]

Tired of being tired? Fight fatigue naturally.

Fatigue can best be described as a lack of energy and motivation, both physical and mental. It is more than simple tiredness or tiredness, which can be remedied with a quick nap, exercise or simple relaxation. It is a symptom and not a condition, and may be caused by a medical condition (for example thyroid […]

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Flu Busters

The flu is a very common virus which can strike us down at any time, without any warning, and usually at the most inopportune time. Factors such as stress, fatigue, an unhealthy diet, etc can have an effect on the immune system and make us more susceptible. What is the Flu?         […]

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Headache Relief

Headaches are an unfortunate part of everyday living. Everyone has a headache at some point in their life.  It’s estimated that approximately 50% of the world’s population has suffered from a headache within the last year.  For most people they are an occasional annoyance, but others may be plagued by headaches on a regular occurrence, […]

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I must improve my bust!

Ladies, not satisfied with your breasts? Then you are not alone. A study published in Body Image analysed the data of a Breast Size Satisfaction Survey which was collected from 18,541 women in 40 countries. 71% of women were dissatisfied with the size of their breasts, with an incredible 48% wanting larger breasts and 23% […]

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Natural remedies for stretch marks

Stretch marks, or striae gravidarum to use the correct term, are a common problem for both men and women, affecting up to 70% of women and 40% of men. They generally appear on the stomach, thighs, hips, lower back, breasts, buttocks and upper arms. The general reason is due to physical changes to the body, […]

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