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Everything about grey hair

Sooner or later, whether to a greater or lesser extent, we will all have to deal with greying hair. Like the other outward appearances that accompany ageing, we have two choices – fight it or embrace it. One thing is paramount: you cannot prevent turning grey. So, now that that’s out in the open, we […]


The fight against dandruff

Skin cells are constantly renewing, including on the scalp. New cells are formed under the skin, at the top the old cells are released in the form of small flakes. In normal skin, these flakes are small and (almost) invisible. Eczema occurs when this renewal process is faster than normal, causing more flakes to appear. At […]

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Wheat germ oil – your saviour for all seasons.

So, if you are anything like me, your hair and skin has just about survived summer! Skin looking tired and dull, lines and wrinkles more apparent, and skin less hydrated in general. Hair dull, dry, frizzy and starting to become brittle. Most definitely missing any type of wow factor! Heat, sweat, humidity, chlorinated and salt […]


Treat oily hair and scalp naturally

Some have it all their lives, others can suddenly suffer from it later – greasy hair – one of the most common hair problems. Certainly not elegant for your outward appearance and certainly not for your sense of self-confidence.  You’ve started the day with a freshly washed hairstyle, but halfway through the day your hair […]


Relax, breathe and focus

Having problems focusing? Need to concentrate? Have a deadline coming up for a task or project?  Kids can’t settle down long enough to do their homework? Well essential oils could be the solution you’re looking for. Almost everyone has heard that essential oils can help you to relax and sleep better, but did you know […]


Top Picks for a Great Night’s Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep? Do you find it difficult to fall asleep? Keep waking up? The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults, and more for infants, children and teenagers to enable their growth and development, reducing to 7-8 hours for the over 65’s.            […]


What goes up must come down, controlling hypertension

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is prevalent in the world’s population, with over 1 billion people currently diagnosed. Untreated it is the major cause of heart disease – the biggest killer in the world. The irony is that it can be prevented, or at the very least reduced and brought under control.  A normal blood […]

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Smile! Healthy teeth & gums = A healthy body

Smiling is contagious. Science has demonstrated multiple times that seeing someone else smile triggers an automatic response. A smile, whether genuine or false, triggers certain facial muscles which tells the brain that you’re happy and boosts the mood as it activates neuropeptides in the brain which stimulate the release of dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, and […]

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Don’t sweat it – we all perspire!

Sweating or perspiring (ladies perspire and never sweat!!) – not particularly nice, but a normal and necessary bodily function. It’s the body’s cooling mechanism, without this the body would not be able to maintain the optimal internal temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and we’d be at risk of heatstroke, a potentially life-threatening condition which, if […]


Build better bones for your future

Forgive the pun, but the skeletal system really is the proverbial “backbone” to a healthy functioning body. It is often overlooked in its importance, and neglected from preventative measures to keep it safe. You may hear people worrying about cholesterol or blood pressure, but when was the last time you heard someone fretting about safeguarding […]

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