Flower Power for Skin Care

Delicate, fragrant and beautiful, flowers are a source of joy in our homes and garden. Long used in health and beauty care, they are now making a huge resurgence in health and beauty as people turn back to nature to avoid the chemicals which could have a detrimental effect on our long term health. In […]


What To Do About “Maskne”

What is “maskne”?  Maskne is the name given to the acne which is triggered by friction or pressure from the wearing of a protective face mask, the name being derived from a cross between mask and acne, although its true scientific name is acne mechanica. Its nothing new and has troubled people in the medical […]



Black seed oil has been taking the world by storm over the past couple of years with its immense healing power, and yet surprisingly some people remain oblivious to it. The power of black seed oil is nothing new – nigella sativa has been grown for millennia for its seeds, which have traditionally been used […]


Spotlight on Lemongrass Oil

LEMONGRASS OIL PRODUCT DESCRIPTION  Lemongrass has been used for thousands of years throughout Asia and Africa for both cooking and its therapeutic properties. The commercial distillation of lemongrass oil for export is believed to have began in the 17th century, within the perfume industry, when poor sanitation and hygienic conditions dictated that the rich annoint […]

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Almond Oil

Almonds are native to the warmer regions of western Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East, although they are now grown throughout the world. Although called a nut, the almond fruit is actually a drupe, otherwise known as a stone fruit, and the tree belongs to the Rosaceae (Rose) family. Almonds were one of the […]


Coconut Oil – Undisputed decadence for the hair, skin and body

Unless you’ve been living on a remote desert island for the past decade, you can’t have failed to notice the resurgence of coconut oil.  It has now become synonymous with skin and hair care. The question is…does coconut oil deserve this hype? Let’s look at exactly what it is, what it can do for you, […]


Best oils for our external health

The skin is the body’s largest organ and its main function is to form a protective barrier for the body. However, 60% of the chemicals which we apply topically are absorbed into the body and many of these synthetic ingredients are known to contain harmful chemicals which can majorly disrupt our bodies and may increase […]


Custom blend your own face serum

Why do I need a face serum? Winter is fast approaching and it’s time to bring in the big guns to take care of our skin care. This time of year plays havoc with our skin – cold, dry air, wind, going from hot to cold environments, rain, snow, and being bundled up in hats, […]

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Wheat germ oil – your saviour for all seasons.

So, if you are anything like me, your hair and skin has just about survived summer! Skin looking tired and dull, lines and wrinkles more apparent, and skin less hydrated in general. Hair dull, dry, frizzy and starting to become brittle. Most definitely missing any type of wow factor! Heat, sweat, humidity, chlorinated and salt […]

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Eczema – Oil Treatment

The name of this disease comes from the Greek word “eczeo”, which means “to boil,” and this explains the characteristic property of eczematous vesicles (blisters) to burst rapidly, like bubbles of boiling water. Eczema is a chronic, recurrent allergic skin disease. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It protects the body […]

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