Winter sun in Egypt. Lets meet spring with a beautiful tan

Winter sun in Egypt. Let’s meet spring with a beautiful tan

The weather in Egypt is always sunny. Of course, there are cloudy days, there are even, believe it or not, showers. But those who visit the resort towns cannot always get caught in the rain. But the sun will get you everywhere and always! This pleases, especially in autumn and winter, when there is a […]


Fenugreek Oil vs Pumpkin Seed Oil fora healthy future

Taken daily as a health tonic, natural oils have the ability to provide protection and bring relief to enhance our health today, tomorrow and for the future. So let’s investigate fenugreek oil and pumpkin seed oil to see what benefits they can provide. What is Fenugreek Oil? Fenugreek has a long history as a medicinal […]

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COP27 – Egypt Takes Over the Mantle to Save Our World

From 6 to 18 November 2022, the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt will host COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh, intending to build-upon the accomplishments of previous conferences, and oversee negotiations on mitigation, adaptation and financing to elicit favourable results to pave the worldwide ambition to challenge the global challenge of climate change together. […]


Let Your Beard Grow

The beard, sometimes referred to as a sign of masculinity, and at other times believed to be a sign of uncouthness or rebellion, has been making a huge comeback over recent years, and it’s estimated that today approximately 55% of men worldwide have some sort of facial hair. But what’s the reason for this latest […]


An overview of the top 7 oils for dry skin

The skin is one of the most important organs in our body. It shapes our appearance, gives a feeling of touch, warmth or cold, and protects against infection. Only moisturized skin looks good and performs its functions. Without water, the metabolic processes in the skin slow down, and the skin loses its ability to function […]

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Five Top Oils for His Total Health and Sexual Wellbeing

Nature has provided us with an abundance of natural products which can do so much for our health and wellbeing, in addition to wonderful benefits for the skin and hair. Whilst most men may assume that these products are mainly a “woman thing”, and choose the gym as their preferred healthy option, natural products are suitable […]


Natural vs Synthetic – The choice is clear!

The natural cosmetics industry unofficially began back in 10,000 BC when Ancient Egyptians would use scented oils and ointments to care for their hair and skin, and mask unpleasant body odours. Natural oils and potions were an integral part of their lifestyle for beauty and health, and had a place within most rituals. As beauty […]


Fenugreek (Helba) for Women’s Health

A need-to-know woman secret! The 100% natural oil obtained from the ancient herb Fenugreek has a wide range of health benefits. How women in particular can take advantage of its healing properties. The healing properties of fenugreek was used in Ancient Egypt to treat burns, stimulate childbirth and embalming mummies. Hippocrates, as early as 500 […]

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Coconut Oil and its Benefits for Hair and Skin

Introduction to Coconut Oil Also referred to as a “Superfood” with many different culinary and cosmetic uses, coconut oil is super easy to use, whether it’s in a white waxy like solid or a clear liquid form. With a melting point at approximately 24 °C (76 °F), you can keep it in the refrigerator if […]


Sesame Seed Oil – Pure as Nature

Archaeological excavations indicate that sesame seed oil is one of the oldest oilseed crops known to date. Findings show the first domestication of sesame seed in the Indian region, dating back far before 3000 BC. The Sesamum (Sesame) plant has several species – many of them wild – most of which originate the sub-Saharan areas […]

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