QUICK READ – Aloe Vera – The must have for everyones beach bag bathroom and medical chest. D

QUICK READ – Aloe Vera – The must have for everyone’s beach bag, bathroom and medical chest. Don’t leave home without it!

PIC1 5Summer is now at it’s pinnacle. The constant exposure to sun, pollution and dirt during the warmer summer months can make the skin dry, rough and itchy. Not to mention insect bites, heat rash and sunburn. Aloe vera lotion is the perfect solution to all your skin ailments, and can play a pivotal role in helping to maintain the health of your skin – hydrating, moisturising, soothing, repairing and rejuvenating. It’s also a strong antioxidant to protect against environmental factors and premature ageing.

Aloe vera is not just for summer either! The winter months can also have a devastating effect on the skin, making it look dull and lifeless. Heating, dry air, layers of clothing, and feet hidden away in socks and boots can result in dry skin, blocked pores, exasperated skin conditions, and unsightly feet. The ultra hydrating, soothing effects of aloe vera lotion can help to dispel flaky dry skin, breakouts and irritation, and restore the skin’s health.

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Best known for it’s ability to soothe sunburn, aloe vera is a complete powerhouse when it comes to skin healing, hardly surprising given that it is rich with a balanced group of 75 potentially biologically active substances such as vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, anthraquinones,  saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids. Moreover, it contains 20 of the 22 required amino acids in the human body, which includes 7 of the 8 essential amino acids. 

A formidable skincare product, aloe vera is suitable for all skin types and can soothe and accelerate the healing of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne and dry skin, as well as counteract the ageing effects. But are you aware that it can also help with a number of other ailments that make it a must have in your medicine chest, in addition to your beach bag and bathroom shelf?


PIC3 5Sometimes referred to as the “Burn” plant, aloe vera doesn’t just help to remedy sunburn, it’s also a useful treatment for household burns, and can help to soothe the pain from a first or second degree burn, reduce swelling, promote circulation, inhibit bacteria and stimulate healing. Four controlled clinical trials involving 371 patients regarding the use of aloe vera on burns, confirmed its healing effect, and even concluded that healing time was reduced by 8.79 days for those being treated with aloe vera.


Aloe vera is the perfect remedy for sunburn thanks to it’s composition which includes compounds such as carboxypeptidase, polysaccharides and aloin. It has an instant soothing and cooling effect on sunburn, with carboxypeptidase acting as a pain reliever. Meanwhile polysaccharides actively stimulate skin repair and rejuvenation and, according to studies, aloin can actually help to reduce or prevent peeling skin which is often a consequence of sunburn. Aloe vera has been confirmed as a safe remedy for the relief of mild sunburn by the Skin Cancer Foundation.


Going from one extreme to another, aloe vera is also able to alleviate the symptoms of frostbite. In the same manner in which it heals sunburn, aloe vera will help the skin cells to rejuvenate faster and more efficiently, and promote a quicker recovery.

Bite Relief

A natural remedy to bring relief to an insect bite, the cooling effects of aloe vera will reduce any itching. Bursting with anti-inflammatory properties, any swelling and redness will be alleviated, whilst other compounds get to work. Glycoproteins reduce discomfort, whilst acemannan helps to combat any toxins. Wound healing is accelerated, and the significant hydrating effects combat any dryness.


PIC4 4Aloe vera has a dual effect on hematoma. In the first instance it can help to reduce clotting and therefore reduce the formation of a hematoma. Meanwhile, its powerful anti-inflammatory properties will help to reduce swelling, and aloe vera’s legendary cooling effect will soothe the pain, as well as accelerate the healing process.


Applying aloe vera to a bruise will provide instant cooling and pain relief to reduce the discomfort of bruising. It also accelerates healing for the effective repair of the broken blood vessels.


Cooling and soothing, aloe vera will reduce irritation, whilst its strong anti-inflammatory effects will reduce swelling naturally, making aloe vera an effective topical treatment for haemorrhoids, and it has been approved safe for this purpose by the National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health.

Pain relief

Containing glycoproteins and salicylic acid, a compound used in a popular over the counter pain reliever, aloe vera provides natural pain relief to counteract joint, muscle or nerve pain.

Skin Irritation

PIC5 4Aloe vera with its cooling anti-inflammatory properties can help to soothe and relieve inflammation, redness and itching caused by rashes associated with allergic reactions including heat rash, nettle rash and nappy/diaper rash.

Cuts and Abrasions

The antibacterial, wound healing and pain relief properties of aloe vera can benefit small cuts and abrasions. Studies have indicated that aloe vera is able to accelerate the healing process by boosting the production of collagen, and by the same token can also minimise scarring.

Cold Sores

With its antiviral properties, aloe vera is a natural remedy for cold sores, helping to prohibit the herpes simplex virus, cooling the affected area and providing pain relief, in addition to accelerating skin regeneration to replace the affected cells.

20-amazing-uses-for-aloe-vera/ – Find out more about the amazing benefits of aloe vera.
the-essential-oil-medicine-cabinet/ – Looking to create your own natural healing cabinet? Consider adding these essential aroma oils.

Next time you need relief for a skin ailment, reach for the natural healing properties of aloe vera instead of a chemically produced medical cream. When it comes to natural healing, Nature has you covered!

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