Protect ourselves Design

How to protect ourselves in this difficult time?

The media has pointed out to us the most important measures we need to take to protect ourselves and our loved ones during this time of threat from the latest Coronavirus.

Basic protective measures in COVID-19

  1. Maintain social distance of about 1.5 meter in public places.
  2. Only touch your face – eyes, nose, and mouth – with clean/washed hands.
  3. Cover nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Alternatively, cough or sneeze into your elbow.
  4. Self-isolate immediately when feeling sick, to prevent making others around you sick. Visit a doctor in case symptoms worsen.
  5. Boost your immune system.

A strong immune system is the body’s best defence

As we now know, this virus is especially dangerous in cases of an already weakened immune system. Strengthening our immune system is one of the most important prerequisites in the fight  against free radicals, especially viruses like COVID-19. Let’s protect ourselves in order to maintain our health!
Boost the immune system with Natural Black Cumin also known by the name “black seed” or “Nigella Sativa”. This now is a crucial time to optimize our health and fortunately we can take steps to improve our health without the need of a doctor or medications.

Daily consumption of black seed oil can, over time, make our immune system stronger and promotes good overall health. Viruses need a certain amount of time to trigger an illness in us; normally our body successfully defends itself against invaders of all kinds. An intact immune system is the best prerequisite for proper defence!

Black cumin oil

Nefertiti Black Seed Oil 7

Egypt is one of the best-known suppliers of high-quality cold-pressed black seed oil. This oil has been a traditional remedy for thousands of years and was even found in the tomb of King Tut! Black seed oil has healing properties that can be used for various ailments and it is often mentioned for its medical benefits in Islamic literature.

Why is taking black cumin oil – a teaspoon a day – advised?

Black seed oil every morning, 15 minutes before breakfast? Simply get used to the funny bitterly taste and do it! Since black seed oil has numerous great benefits, such as: antihelminthic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, spasmodic, bronchodilator, gastro-protective, and antioxidant and it has an immunomodulatory effect.

Various studies have conducted research on Black seeds in order to get to the bottom of the properties of this wonderful herb. When examined they found that black seed has a significant effect on a multitude of ailments and diseases. A number of these findings have been further studied in the last decade focusing on different aspects of this miraculous herb. 

Immunomodulatory activity

Viruses are spreading every day and new viruses emerge. Viruses attack our immune system, which explains why the most vulnerable people are those whose  immune is already weakened. The best protection is prevention! Researchers proved that black seed have a significant effect in cases of immune deficiency diseases. This is particularly true when it is used as preventative medicine for common illnesses such as flu. It can also be used as a supportive treatment for more serious illnesses. 

Black seed can’t kill viruses like COVID-19, but it can be used to improve your immune system, our first and far most effective shield against the virus. 

Antibacterial activity

The antibacterial activity of black seed and its biofilm inhibition potencies were investigated on 11 microorganisms. Black seed showed significant activity against a number of viruses found in human bodies. Black seed oil has further proven its effectiveness against bacteria that has become resistant to some antibiotics. 

Antifungal activity

Research has shown that black seed has the greatest antifungal effect followed by the chloroform extracts against different mutations of Candida albicans. A report published in 2003 showed that black seed released inhibitory effects against different fungal infections. These findings were also confirmed by examination of the kidney and liver. Antifungal activity of the extract of black seed was tested against eight species of Pathogenic fungi.

Black seed as a source for anti-dermatophyte drugs and support its use as folk remedy for the treatment of fungal skin infections.

Traditional use of black seed oil

Black seed oil has long been traditionally used to treat a variety of diseases and disorders affecting the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the digestive tract, kidney and liver functions, and strengthening the immune system. According to proven studies, it is particularly beneficial for people that suffer from hypertension. People with high blood pressure are particularly at risk from virus attacks.

Nosebleeds (nasal mucosa)

Coronaviruses enter our lungs through our airways. If you are not affected by diseases like bronchitis, asthma (especially asthma occurs due to allergic reactions and a weakened immune system), inflammation of the gums, diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcers, high cholesterol, Hemophilia, hemorrhoids, increased secretion of the mammary glands (involved in regulation of hormone growth and skin diseases), it is important to keep your good health so you won’t be an easy target of the virus. 

Applied externally, black seed oil acts as an antiseptic and local anaesthetic. Black seed oil has long been used in naturopathy treatments. Black seed was given the Arabic recognition “Habbatul barakah”, meaning “name of the blessing”, because of its multitude of possible uses.

Daily dose black seed oil

How to use black seed oil

Include black seed oil in your daily diet and routine! 

Internal use – take 1 teaspoon of black seed oil on an empty stomach 15 minutes before breakfast. 

External use – for skin diseases, apply black seed oil topically several times a day.

Black seed history

The history of the healing properties of black seed goes back centuries. In the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun a bottle of black seed oil was discovered. This fact indisputably indicates the value of this oil in that period of time. In the Old Testament, the scripture of “Yushua” emphasizes the importance of black caraway seeds, and methods for extracting this oil are also described in detail there. Also in Islamic literature, it is considered as one of the greatest forms of treatment. It has been recommended for using on a regular basis in prophetic treatment.

Since 1959, over 200 studies of the properties of black seed oil have been carried out at international universities, the stunning results of which have been published in articles and reports of various media. For example, in 1989 an article on the phenomenal properties of black seed oil appeared in a Pakistani medical journal and in 1992, by in the medical department of the University of Daha (Bangladesh), the antibacterial properties of black seed oil were examined in comparison with five strong antibiotics: ampicillin, tetracycline, co-trimoxazole, gentamicin and nalidixic acid.

The facts are undoubtedly admiring – black seed oil has proven to be a more effective remedy against many bacteria. Furthermore, the use of black seed oil stimulates the production of bone marrow, therefore it is an ideal tool in the treatment and prevention of cancerous tumours. This fact was officially confirmed by research scientists at Cancer Immunobiological Laboratory of Southern California (USA). 

Scientists came to surprising conclusions

It turns out that black seed acts on the thymus gland (the thymus gland is responsible for the body’s defences). Therefore, through regulation and influence on it, immunity is strengthened. Blood tests of people taking black cumin revealed that the content of vital T-lymphocytes, T-killers and other cells responsible for strengthening the body’s defences increased several times, respectively, leading to healing. Diabetes and black seed oil: Diabetes is a very common illness if left untreated it can be fatal. Diabetes affects the body’s ability to produce and respond to insulin. 

Modern research has thankfully found that black seed oil can be used to help people suffering from diabetes as it enhances insulin levels. Help protect yourselves and your loved ones by adding Black cumin oil to your daily routine. Remember it is not just about you! It’s about taking the precautionary steps to quickly put a stop to the spread of these dangerous diseases and help save vulnerable lives. 

Read more about Black Seed Benefits


Link of resources: 

Steps of protecting you self:

Immune system help against Covid-19:

Black Seed Researches:

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