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Guide to Nature’s Bounty

Since man first walked the earth, he relied on Nature to provide health and beauty care. Traditional remedies, now known as “folk law” were passed through the generations. Yet many of these ancient remedies have stood the test of time and are still in use today. They are the backbone of Chinese and Ayurveda folk […]


Benefits of facial steaming for enhanced summer skincare

Steaming is an excellent way to take your skincare regime up a notch for the summer. Although facial steaming would be a welcome addition to a beauty regime at any time, it is particularly beneficial during the summer months. Warmer weather means that the pores are generally more open, and thus have an increased likelihood […]


It’s almost summer – time to stockpile the coconut oil!

Coconut oil is the hard-working, multi-tasking tropical oil which is an absolute must-have for summer. Jam-packed with skin and hair-loving nutrients such fatty acids, vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, and minerals including iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, coconut oil has antioxidant, antiviral, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory […]


Get your glow on this summer

Summer will soon be upon us. We all dream of achieving that healthy summer glow, but the reality is often something very different, and instead we experience clogged pores, sensitised, burnt, or aged skin, and a host of other skin woes.  However a little extra care can help us shine this summer. Healthy skin is […]



So, this year you actually stuck to your New Year’s resolution to lose weight. You’ve diligently followed your diet, upped your exercise regime, and yet summer is fast approaching and those extra pounds just aren’t budging quick enough, or you’ve hit deadlock and nothing more is moving. Dieting and exercise is all very well, and […]



So we’ve finally waved goodbye to winter, and welcomed spring with a big happy smile, just to find that those smiling lips are starting to feel just a little bit uncomfortable, as they become somewhat dry and tight. After the extremities of winter, we would have hoped that spring would be kind to our lips, […]


Polish your look with natural exfoliators

Spring is officially here, and subsequently more skin is being exposed as hemlines and sleeves get shorter. There’s just one small problem. The skin that’s about to be revealed probably hasn’t seen the sun for some time, and is more than likely dull and pasty looking, and altogether just totally unappealing.  The body naturally flakes […]


Flower Power for Skin Care

Delicate, fragrant and beautiful, flowers are a source of joy in our homes and garden. Long used in health and beauty care, they are now making a huge resurgence in health and beauty as people turn back to nature to avoid the chemicals which could have a detrimental effect on our long term health. In […]


What To Do About “Maskne”

What is “maskne”?  Maskne is the name given to the acne which is triggered by friction or pressure from the wearing of a protective face mask, the name being derived from a cross between mask and acne, although its true scientific name is acne mechanica. Its nothing new and has troubled people in the medical […]


Benefits of hair oiling and dispelling common myths

At the end of a long stressful day, what can be better than a relaxing head massage with warm oil? It can practically be a lifesaver! Stress can impact on all aspects of our health, including our hair, so reducing stress whilst imparting the hair with a plethora of benefits, can actually kill two birds […]

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