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Get your glow on this summer

Summer will soon be upon us. We all dream of achieving that healthy summer glow, but the reality is often something very different, and instead we experience clogged pores, sensitised, burnt, or aged skin, and a host of other skin woes.  However a little extra care can help us shine this summer. Healthy skin is beautiful skin. Follow these tips to achieve the most beautiful version of yourself this summer. 

  1. Sunscreen

PIC1 2Regardless of cloud cover, always use SPF protection irrespective of whether or not you are planning prolonged exposure to the sun. Those moments of incidental exposure all add-up and can damage the skin and present as fine lines and wrinkles at a later date. Using a natural oil in our skincare regime, such as wheatgerm oil (SPF 20), coconut oil (SPF up to 8), almond oil (SPF 5) can offer some protection, and reduce exposing the skin to harsh chemicals contained in most commercial sun protection products. Up to ante by mixing in a couple of drops of carrot seed oil (SPF 40).  

  1. Strengthen skin with antioxidants

PIC2 2Summer is the time when our skin needs protection against the damaging effect of free radicals more than ever. It is also important to ensure that the body and skin stays hydrated. Eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables can help. Natural plant oils are bursting with antioxidants and can help to protect against and even restore existing damage, and reinforce the skin’s protective barrier. Add some argan oil, grapeseed oil or wheatgerm oil to your daily beauty regime as they are simply bursting with natural antioxidant vitamin E.

  1. Exfoliate

PIC3 2During the summer the pores are more open and exposed to extra sweat, etc which can cause them to get clogged up. Our skin typically seems more oily too due to heat and humidity. Therefore its no surprise that breakouts and acne are more prolific during the summer months. Exfoliation will dispel dead-skin buildup which can dull the skin and block the pores, and reveal the fresh glowing skin hiding below. For best results exfoliate twice a week (once for sensitive skin). Check out the coconut scrub for all skin types, or lupine scrub to help with freckles, hyperpigmentation, and give an instant brightening effect. 

  1. Facial Steam

PIC4 2A facial steam softens and hydrates the skin, provides a deep cleansing effect, prevents and heals breakouts, stimulates circulation to nourish the skin, provide oxygen and give a healthy glow, and promotes the production of collagen and elastin. It also allows for better product absorption.

  1. Lighten up your moisturiser

PIC5 2Regardless of the season, we still need to provide our skin with all of the essential nutrients, however during the warmer months of summer we don’t need a heavy oily moisturiser, and need to lighten things up. Grapeseed oil, argan oil, wheatgerm oil, almond oil, and jojoba oil are all excellent choices,  which will effectively hydrate and nourish the skin all day long, but are rapidly absorbed, and won’t leave a greasy residue on the skin. 

  1. Remember the décolleté and hands

PIC6 2One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to neglect the delicate skin on our décolleté. Our neck and chest requires a lot of attention to keep it looking youthful, otherwise it can start to sag, line and generally start to look “old” before its time. Our hands are also one of the areas prone to early ageing and can show thinning skin, loss of plumpness in the skin, and age spots if not properly cared for. Don’t forget the sunscreen on these vulnerable areas too, and regularly apply moisturisers to help them stay youthful. 

  1. Keep hydrated

PIC7 2As the temperatures rise, so does the amount of water that we lose through sweating. Experts recommend that we drink approximately 2 litres (8 glasses) of water a day,  but we need to compensate for fluid loss on extra hot days or after vigorous exercise. For healthy skin it’s essential to stay hydrated inside and out.

On the outside we can use a facial mist to add some extra hydration and keep the skin feeling cool and comfortable. Try adding a few drops of grapeseed oil to a spray bottle filled wth water and mist as required.  

  1. Remain active

PIC8 2Don’t put off exercise because of the heat, carry on with your usual routine, or crank it up a notch during the nice weather when you can take advantage of the great outdoors to indulge in walking, cycling, swimming, or whatever takes your fancy. Exercise helps pump the blood around your body, which in turn nourishes and oxygenates the skin, rewarding you with a fantastic glow. 

Summertime is a season full of opportunities to try new adventures and experiences. Enjoy these wonderful days, and look beautiful and healthy with your gorgeous summer glow.


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