
Does the cold weather make you feel unwell? Turn to Nature’s pharmacy.

As the weather turns colder, accompanied by wind, rain and later some snow, do you find yourself feeling unwell? Colds, flu, general aches and pains, dry skin and feelings of depression are just some of the trials and tribulations associated with the colder weather. But don’t despair, Mother Nature has provided us with array of […]

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Natural Remedies for Fast Relief of the Common Cold 

We are now firmly in the grip of Autumn with winter just around the corner. Days are getting shorter and temperatures are getting colder. Windows are being kept closed to keep out the cold and damp, and people are now socialising inside which is excellent news for our old adversary, the common cold.  Despite the […]


Celebrate Autumn with these fragrant essential oil blends

As we’ve reluctantly kissed goodbye to summer, and find ourselves in the midst of autumn with increasingly shortening days, falling temperatures and whilst still struggling to regain our pre-vacation routines, we may find that our good mood has also taken a bit of a nosedive too. Additionally, after the airiness and wonderful aromas of spring […]


Banish the Monday Blues

So summer is over, the days are getting shorter and the temperature is getting cooler. As autumn moves in, is your mood not so bright? Do the weekends seem to be getting shorter, and Monday morning comes around all too soon? Does the morning alarm on a Monday morning have you wanting to dive back […]


Get the summer vibe!

As we enter the final month of the official summer period, some of us may find ourselves undertaking yet another staycation. It’s fair to say that the past two summers have pretty much been a wipeout thanks to Covid. We may have had big dreams for this summer which just haven’t come to fruition as […]


Overdone the sun? Natural help is at hand…

So summer finally arrived, you rushed to the beach, park, back garden or foreign destination but were unprepared for the intense UV rays and now find yourself with red, painful sunburn. Even when you take the appropriate action and apply sun protection regularly or even take steps to limit direct sun exposure and sit in […]

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Beat the heat with a refreshing essential oil mist

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of an essential oil mist? Probably a room-scenting spray. Did you know that those same essential oils can also be incorporated into a refreshing face and body mist for you? Not only will it refresh and give you a lovely scent, but essential oils […]


Indulge your skin – 4 Summer DIY recipes

So summer is in full swing, the heat is up, and it’s time to treat ourselves to some pampering natural DIY home treatments. We may refer to summer as the lazy, hazy days, but in reality our body is working in overdrive to keep us cool and fully functioning, and none more so than the […]


Summer Survival Secrets of Peppermint

It’s official! Summer has finally arrived! After dreaming of summer during the cold winter months, are you now obsessing over how to stay cool?  Whether you’re baking yourself by the pool or on the beach, or simply going about your normal routine, no one wants to resemble a melting snowman! While an entire summer of […]

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