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Tired of being tired? Fight fatigue naturally.

Fatigue can best be described as a lack of energy and motivation, both physical and mental. It is more than simple tiredness or tiredness, which can be remedied with a quick nap, exercise or simple relaxation. It is a symptom and not a condition, and may be caused by a medical condition (for example thyroid […]

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Flu Busters

The flu is a very common virus which can strike us down at any time, without any warning, and usually at the most inopportune time. Factors such as stress, fatigue, an unhealthy diet, etc can have an effect on the immune system and make us more susceptible. What is the Flu?         […]

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Headache Relief

Headaches are an unfortunate part of everyday living. Everyone has a headache at some point in their life.  It’s estimated that approximately 50% of the world’s population has suffered from a headache within the last year.  For most people they are an occasional annoyance, but others may be plagued by headaches on a regular occurrence, […]

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Orange Essential Oil – food grade quality.

It’s common knowledge that oranges are good for you. Most people have been urged at some time during their life to have an orange or some freshly squeezed juice at the first sign of a cold, to intake the abundance of vitamin C and boost the immune system. But are you aware that the most […]


Time heals the wounds, but the scars remain

There is such a well-known expression “the scars adorn a man”, from which a kind of pirate immediately arises before the eyes, on whose body there are many marks indicating his stormy life. But now not only women, but also many men prefer to have smooth, unscarred skin. Not everyone decides on the surgical methods […]


Stress & Aromatherapy

What is Stress? In order to perform optimally, we need a certain amount of tension and therefore stress. Tension can cause positive stress, as evoked by pleasant events, such as before a competition or for a holiday. This tension disappears after some time and the body returns to a state of rest. On the other hand, […]

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Lettuce Seed Oil – 20 Health Benefits

The lettuce, initially cultivated by the Ancient Egyptians for its oil, is now a staple in a salad. It’s boring. Innocuous. Well, think again!  Lettuce is a powerhouse of essential nutrients for our body’s health and vitality. The oil, cold pressed from the lettuce seeds, retains all of these nutrients. Lettuce seed oil was considered […]


Let your memories last a lifetime

The function known as memory is our ability to take in information, store it, and retrieve it at a later date. There are two types of basic memory – short-term (working) and long-term. In essence, it is our memory that makes us the person that we are, and allows us to live our life to […]


Can you get rid of acne with oils?

Millions of people around the world suffer from acne. Approximately 70-90% of young people, regardless of gender, have these skin problems. And the age range of this disease is becoming wider. Why are so many affected by acne? Common causes of acne are: excess sebum production, clogged pores, and bacteria living in those pores. Also, […]


Natural haemorrhoid assailants – eliminate this pain in the backside!

Haemorrhoids, not the nicest subject to talk about, but something that should be addressed since it’s estimated that three in four adults will suffer with haemorrhoids from time to time during their lifespan. So what are haemorrhoids, also known as piles? They are actually swollen veins, somewhat similar to varicose veins, which can develop inside […]

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