Black seed oil has been taking the world by storm over the past couple of years with its immense healing power, and yet surprisingly some people remain oblivious to it. The power of black seed oil is nothing new – nigella sativa has been grown for millennia for its seeds, which have traditionally been used as a spice and food flavouring, and a powerful herbal remedy for a number of ailments. 

 So revered were the therapeutic benefits of this seed, that Prophet Mohammad claimed it could heal ‘anything except death itself.’ It was also widely acclaimed by the Greek physician Hippocrates, the pharmacologist, physician, and botanist PedaniusDioscorides (author of “De MateriaMedica”, the prime source of information about plants and their medicine which is made up of five volumes), as well as the natural philosopher Pliny the Elder, plus it was also mentioned in the Bible. 

PIC1 8Ancient Egypt were the first civilisation to utilise this wonderful gift from nature, and seeds were also found in several sites, including the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. 


Nigella sativa, also known as black caraway, black cumin, nigella and kalonji, is a small annual plant growing about 20-30cm tall and producing pale blue or white flowers. It is native to Europe, Southwest Asia, and North Africa and thrives in the hot sun. Although also known as black cumin, it should not be confused with bunium bulbocastanum (true black cumin) which most certainly does not deliver the same punch in terms of health. After flowering the seed pod swells and produces nature’s finest gift of tiny black seeds.

PIC2 7 It seems incongruous that these tiny insignificant black seeds can yield an oil so powerful that scientists have compared it to the top 5 antibiotics in the world. Yes that’s correct, scientists! Black seed oil has been the subject of hundreds of extensive scientific studies over the past few decades, such is its potential, and one fact remains, the hype surrounding black seed oil is most definitely deserved as it can assist the body to overcome a number of health issues, as well as providing protection against disease. It really is the universal healer. So what is black seed oil good for? It may be easier to say what it can’t do!!


So what makes black seed oil so special? Scientists have concluded that it contains over 100 different elements, and they believe that it is the unique combination of proteins, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids and other compounds, many with immense free-radical scavenger properties, which produce these phenomenal healing powers. One of the potent active compounds found within black seed, thymoquinone, is believed to be at the very root of its therapeutic properties, and has been the subject of over 400 published studies in recent years.

The nutritional value of black seed oil is immense, containing vitamins A, B, C and E, in addition to calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, essential oils, essential amino acids, and omega-3,6,9. 


Black seed has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiasthmatic, antihistamine, anticoagulant, analgesic, bronchodilator, antispasmodic, antidiuretic, anticancer properties, hepato-protective, renal-protective, gastro-protective, hypotensive, emmenagogue and galactagogue properties. It is a miracle cure for all your internal and external ailments, and possibly the most powerful natural immunomodulator. The following are just some black seed oil uses:


Black Seed Oil is a Powerful Natural Antioxidant

Black seed oil has been the subject of numerous studies to prove its antioxidant effects. It has the ability to cleanse the body of the harmful molecules left in the body following digestion and after exposure to harmful environmental impacts, thus limiting cell damage, and protecting against chronic diseases. Antioxidants also help to repair DNA and maintain cell health.

Black Seed Oil Boosts the Immune System

PIC3 7 Black seed oil is known to boost the invader-fighting capabilities of specific cells in the immune system. It offers complete immune system balancing, suppressing dangerous chronic inflammation (see below) and boosting the appropriate immune system response, thus supporting a healthy fully functioning immune system. Black seed stimulates the release of immune system cells to detect a threat from an invading organism or dysfunctional cell, promotes the release of macrophages (the cells responsible for destroying abnormal cells) and helper T-cells (the cells that direct natural killer cells to their targets).

Additionally it boosts the survival and activity of key CD-8 T-cells, in the immune response to infection or cancer. One human study indicated that following black seed oil supplement there was an increase of 55% in the activity of T-helper cells, and an increase of 30% in natural killer cell function. Another study regarding cytomegalovirus, a herpes virus which affects humans and can have severe symptoms relating to the eyes, brain, or other internal organs, and may cause birth defects, showed that black seed oil completely eliminated any trace of the disease after testing on day 10.

Black Seed Oil is Anti-inflammatory

  • Black Seed Oil Rebalances the Body’s Inflammatory Reactions

During an infection the body stimulates an acute inflammatory reaction to fight off foreign invaders. As we age this inflammatory balance is upset, and produces an inflammatory impairment, known as inflammaging, that results in inappropriate chronic inflammation, the key to most chronic and age-related diseases, and impairs the body’s inflammatory response to fight off foreign invaders or malignant cells. Chronic inflammation can damage the cells in our brains, arteries, etc and can cause mutated cells which result in malignant changes. Left unchecked the inflammatory and immunological imbalance can result in chronic, age-related diseases, and ultimately contribute to premature death. Black seed oil has the ability to readdress the gentle balance between protective and destructive inflammation, counteracting non-essential inflammation, but triggering healthy inflammation in response to a possible foreign attack. By doing so it can reduce the symptoms of, and in some cases even overcome, chronic diseases such as allergies, arthritis, asthma, colitis, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Many studies have indicated that black seed oil is able to critically rebalance the body’s inflammation reactions.

  • Black Seed Oil Manages Asthma

PIC4 7Asthma occurs when the lining of the airways swell and the muscles around them tighten, narrowing the airways and restricting the amount of air which can pass through. The airways may also become filled with mucus. The result is the classic symptoms of an asthma “attack” – wheezing, coughing and a general tightness in the chest. It may be triggered by an allergy, a pollutant, a fragrance, or even the weather. Laboratory studies show that black seed oil can stimulate relaxation of the trachea and bronchi, and produce a reduction in the inflammatory mediators, thus systematically reducing the effect of an “attack”, and generally improving lung health. Researchers believe that in the future black seed oil will play a key role in asthma treatment. 

  • Black Seed Oil for Hay Fever and Allergies

Hay Fever (allergic rhinitis) is an environmental allergy which is ultimately the result of an overreaction by the immune system, causing inflammation and resulting in nasal congestion, itchy and watering eyes, and sneezing. Black seed oil can manage the reaction by suppressing some of the inflammatory factors in the body and increasing the anti-inflammatory reactions of others. One study found that black seed had the same effect as a potent steroid used to treat inflammation in arthritis. A further study consisting of 66 subjects concluded that black seed produced a significant decrease in symptoms and IgE antibodies in nasal secretions. In another study the subjects put black seed oil drops in their nose for six weeks to treat mild to severe hay fever. At the end of the study, 9 out of the 10 participants had severely reduced to no remaining symptoms at all, which is attributed to the fact that thymoquinone displays antihistamine properties.

  • Black Seed Oil Manages Arthritis

PIC5 7Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune condition which causes inflammation in the joint, caused by the immune system attacking its own tissue and joint. It is a chronic condition with no cure, and most often affects older patients. Since this condition is related to inflammation it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that black seed oil has demonstrated encouraging results in human studies. In one clinical study, the 40 subjects experienced significant improvement in terms of how the disease was affecting the body overall, in addition to reductions in the number of swollen joints and the duration of morning stiffness.  

Black seed oil has also been shown to impact positively on osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, also known as “wear and tear” arthritis which is a degenerative breakdown of the cartilage within the joint, and causes a change to the underlying bone. The oil was noted to reduce levels of MMP (matrix metalloproteinase), the protein-melting enzyme responsible for destroying the bone and joint tissue.

Furthermore, multiple studies have confirmed the analgesic properties of black seed oil, and one such study affirmed the effectiveness of treating knee pain in geriatric patients, adding another feather to it’s the bow in the comprehensive treatment of arthritis.

Application: For joint inflammation, massage 2 teaspoons of oil between your palms and massage well into the affected area. Remove any excess with a paper towel.

 Black Seed Oil is Antimicrobial, Antibacterial and Antiviral

The key to black seed oils ability to boost the immune system may be due to its antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral properties, and it is in this field which proves the overwhelming potential of black seed oil, confirming its ability to annihilate many of the multi-drug-resistant “superbugs”. 

Some strains of bacteria and viruses are becoming increasingly more difficult to treat, including MRSA, a strain of staphylococcal, that includes the notorious skin-eating bacteria, which systematically causes problems in hospital wards and care homes. It is estimated that between 5-10% of hospital patients will develop some type of infection from a superbug, with thousands dying yearly. 

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in India made a study to determine the full effect of black seed oil against some of these superbugs. Of the 144 strains tested, most were resistant to the antibiotics also included in the study, but a remarkable 97 were inhibited by black seed oil. Researchers believe that it is the combined force of the compounds thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone and thymol, found within black seed oil, which produce this amazing result. 

The antimicrobial effect also had a 100% success record for the entire 30 fungi and moulds which it was tested against.

 Black Seed Oil Benefits the Liver

PIC6 7The liver is vital for our total wellbeing. Bile from the liver is responsible for digesting fats, and nearly every toxin is processed via the liver, and it therefore plays a critical role in immunity and keeping the body healthy. It is essential to keep this vital organ in tip top shape and functioning to an optimum.

Unfortunately, the liver is easily damaged by factors including disease, medication and excessive alcohol consumption. Fortunately black seed oil can give a helping hand here too. Studies have shown that black seed oil is able to boost liver function, and greatly increase the healing process, in addition to giving protection against further damage and disease.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is caused by a build-up of fats in the liver due to conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity. Black seed can reduce inflammation by decreasing the liver enzymes and lipids (fats) which were responsible for the initial build-up. 

Black Seed Oil for Upper Respiratory Infections

With antibacterial, antiviral, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s the perfect tool to help fight the symptoms of respiratory infections such as the flu or a cold, whilst also ensuring that a secondary viral or bacterial infection, such as pneumonia, does not take hold while the immune system is compromised. 

Studies have confirmed that black seed oil can inhibit inflammation of the respiratory airways and sinuses, reduce nasal and chest congestion, and with its analgesic effect, reduce the associated pain such as headache, earache and neck pain. Black seed oil also contains plenty of nutrients, including vitamins A, B, C, E, in addition to calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, flavonoids, essential oils, essential amino acids, and omega-3, 6 and 9 – all essential to equip the body to fight off infections and viruses. 

Black seed oil is also fantastic for the skin, see below, so don’t forget to apply a few drops topically to reduce redness and inflammation, and soothe that red nose and dry cracked lips.

Application: For respiratory infection,  in addition to a teaspoon to be taken orally, use steam inhalation, plus apply as a chest rub. For a headache caused by neck tension, massage into the area suffering from stiffness or spasm.

Black Seed Oil Manages Fatigue

PIC7 6 To help with general fatigue, and to reduce some of the symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis, black seed oil can help to support and stimulate the body without adding additional toxins into an already overwhelmed body.

In Canon of Medicine, the primary medical text used throughout Europe until the 17th century, IbnSina, the most famous and influential Persian physician and philosopher, known as  “Prince of Physicians”, stated that black seed  “stimulates the body’s energy and helps in recovery from fatigue and dispiritedness.” Indeed, studies have upheld this belief with research comprising the effect of black seed on fatigue in exhaustive swimming tests, which affirmed the anti-fatigue properties by demonstrating energy restoration. and oxidative-stress defense.

Black seed oil is also rich in vitamins B6, B9 and B12, plus iron which are all vital in red blood cell formation, thus enabling oxygen to be circulated throughout the body and allowing you to feel more energised both mentally and physically.

According to studies, black seed oil can help to support the endocrine system, increasing serotonin levels in the brain, and reducing adrenal fatigue which causes fatigue, hormone imbalance, depression and much more. Additionally the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties improves mitochondria (energy centres of the cells) function to reduce exhaustion, as well as boosting the immune system.

In cell studies thymoquinone was shown to increase immune cell activity and antibody levels. Black seed oil increases the number of Natural Killer T (NKT) cells, which are known to function poorly in patients suffering from chronic fatigue.

The antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of black seed oil help to prevent what are suspected triggers for chronic fatigue. Human studies also supported its anti anxiety properties, whilst also demonstrating improved cognition. Studies have also noted its ability to improve neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration.

With its ability to improve energy levels, cognitive function, reduce inflammation, oxidative stress and pain, boost the immune system and provide antimicrobial protection, black seed oil is a natural adversary for fatigue.

Black Seed Oil Improves Brain Health

Black seed oil is rich in many properties essential to improve and protect brain health, including thymoquinone which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Neuroinflammaton is thought to play a key role in the development of diseases such as Alzeimer’s and Parkinson’s and research has shown the effectiveness of thymoquinone in reducing inflammation.

The active compound thymohydroquinone, a potent natural acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, ensures that the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, an important compound for memory retention and overall brain function, as well as muscle function, REM sleep, and endocrine system regulation, remains active for longer. It also supports higher levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter known to improve cognitive function. Acetylcholine has also been shown to promote neuroplasticity, directly involved with learning and memory, and to create more receptors and stronger connections between neurons. To show the importance of thymohydroquinone, it should be understood that pharmaceutical-grade acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used to treat a wide range of ailments including Alzheimer’s, autism, dementia, neurodegenerative conditions, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s. 

Anecdotal research has shown increased acetylcholine and GABA levels can inhibit “brain fog” in the average person, reduce incidental forgetfulness and support cognitive performance. The presence of omega-3 and omega-6 help to promote blood circulation to the brain and maximise brain function.

There have been many studies which confirm the effectiveness of Black Seed Oil on memory and cognitive function. To mention just a few: One study  over a 9 week period, involving 40 healthy adults in their 50s, confirmed significant improvements on concentration, memory and general cognition, with the score in a logical memory test of those taking Black Seed Oil far exceeding those in the placebo group. A 2018 study in Human and Experimental Toxicology indicated that Black Seed Oil reduced inflammation and improved cognitive decline, warding off the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease.  A 2014 study on adolescent males found that Black Seed Oil improved cognition and mood, whilst decreasing anxiety levels. 

It is becoming increasingly clear with each study that Black Seed Oil’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties can boost the brain and prevent or delay the degradation of neurotransmitters, thus protecting against dementia and neuro diseases.

Black Seed Oil Improves Cardiovascular Health

PIC8 6Studies showed improved recovery of damaged heart tissue (following heart surgery or treatment after a heart attack), and another indicated increased heart blood flow and new blood vessels. All good news for cardiovascular health,but just the tip of the iceberg where heart health is concerned:

  •  High blood pressure

Black seed oil is a traditional herbal remedy for high blood pressure, and research has supported its effectiveness. Published in the Journal of Hypertension, one research study assessed the evidence from 11 separate clinical trials which comprised 860 participants, including both healthy patients and those with hypertension. The overall reduction in blood pressure, compared to the placebo was 3.26/2.80, but on further investigation, the reduction of those suffering from hypertension was 7.66/4.89 after eight weeks. Imagine what a difference that could make combined with a new healthier lifestyle! 

It is not fully understood how black seed reduces blood pressure, but theories include that it has a relaxant effect on the smooth muscles, may dilate blood vessels in a similar fashion to calcium channel blockers, may improve the efficiency of the heart pumping, or is the result of its diuretic properties. Black seed is also known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and contains omega-3 which is confirmed to have a beneficial effect on hypertension.  

  • Cholesterol

Natural black seed oil is the strongest natural remedy for lowering blood cholesterol. It is high in fatty acids such as linoleic acid and oleic acid which can help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. There have been a wide range of studies which have confirmed that the daily intake of Black Seed Oil helps to significantly reduce the LDL (bad) and triglyceride levels and in some cases higher the HDL (good) levels. This included studies showing the effects on obesity and diabetes, as well as the average person. 

It is believed that Black Seed may prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream in the small intestine, as well as helping to remove cholesterol from the blood by increasing the number of LDL receptors in the liver, and preventing the oxidation of LDL due to its strong antioxidant properties. 

  • Dyslipidemia

In addition to fat building up in the liver, as we’ve already discussed, it can also build up in the blood and arteries, a condition known as dyslipidemia, which can dramatically increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke. This condition is usually related to an unhealthy adult lifestyle, such as obesity, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Researchers from experimental and clinical studies suggested that back seed oil could be a natural therapy to alleviate the condition.

  • Ischemia-reperfusion injury

Ischemia-reperfusion injury, also known as reoxygenation injury, occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood is restored following a blockage in the artery and initiates various forms of cell death, causing severe damage to tissues and organs. The damage to tissues can be as damaging as the blockage itself. The debilitating long-term effects experienced by heart or stroke survivors is usually the result of this condition. But clinical studies have now indicated that black seed oil can have a positive effect on this injury, as has been sufficiently shown in the kidneys, which is one of the major targets of this injury.

Black Seed Oil for Diabetes

PIC9 5 Black seed oil has huge potential for diabetes. An article published in the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism regarding research from the Indian Council of Medical Research affirmed that black seed oil “causes gradual partial regeneration of pancreatic beta-cells, increases the lowered serum insulin concentrations and decreases the elevated serum glucose”, which is truly astounding as it indicates that a natural oil may be able to treat and prevent both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore the study concluded that black seed oil “improves glucose tolerance as efficiently as” the most widely used pharmaceutical product prescribed for diabetics, “yet it has not shown significant adverse effects and has very low toxicity.” which is fantastic since the particular product it is compared to has a range of side-effects including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. 

The British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, also concluded that black seed could reduce glucose absorption, lower blood sugar levels and potentially stop the development of type-1 diabetes – a 2016 overview concluded that black seed could be significant for treating diabetes complications including nephropathy (kidney disease), neuropathy (nerve damage), and atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), and confirmed black seed’s ability to enhance insulin production, glucose tolerance, and beta cell proliferation. Aside of this, there have been many studies regarding the use of black seed oil for diabetes: 

A 2013 study confirmed that black seed elevated insulin levels; a 2014 study affirmed that black seed reduced blood glucose, plus food and water intake, and researchers concluded that black seed oil could be useful for treating high blood sugar and associated symptoms; a 2017 study confirmed that black seed could reduce HbA1c (the average blood glucose levels) by increasing insulin production, decreasing insulin resistance, decreasing intestinal insulin absorption and stimulating cellular activity.  

A large analysis of thousands of people came to the conclusion that black seed can provide complimentary long term benefits for people with diabetes 2 by keeping glucose levels in check and reducing HbA1c.

Black Seed Oil Promotes Bone Health

Black seed oil is a powerhouse of essential nutrients for bone health. Since 1959 there have been over 150 studies conducted on black seed oil and thymoquinone regarding the impact on bone health, and it has been concluded to be a safe agent to naturally strengthen the bones and potentially protect against and manage osteoporosis. For instance, in studies black seed and/or thymoquinone have been shown to benefit postmenopausal osteoporosis using the ovariectomized rat models, and reverse diabetes-induced bone changes. More recent studies have affirmed the influence of thymoquinone in enhancing bone fracture healing, accelerating bone formation and calcification, including topical use of massaging black seed over the damaged bone.

Black Seed Oil for Cancer

PIC10 4 Cancer-fighting agents usually work in two different ways, either protecting the cells from abnormal growth to start with, or by killing the cancer cells and stopping them reproducing. We’ve already discussed how black seed oil can reduce chronic inflammation and keep the immune system fully functioning, which can deter 25% of cancers, plus it’s a powerful antioxidant which destroys free radicals which can cause cell damage. But, the compound thymoquinone also works directly on the cancer cells inducing apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Black seed oil is a double-edged sword when it comes to cancer

Black seed oil is believed to be effective as a supplemental treatment for various cancers including myeloblastic leukemia, breast cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, hepatic cancer, and skin cancer. 

Much of the research into these findings have been via vitro research and other studies: A  study evaluating the antitumour activities of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone found in black seed oil by Croatian scientists discovered that it resulted in a 52 % decrease in tumour cells. Meanwhile, researchers from the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson Health, USA demonstrated that as well as killing pancreatic cancer cells, it also seems to inhibit the development of this particular cancer.

Black Seed Oil for Gastro-intestinal Disease

A traditional use of black seed oil is to promote digestive health. It is known to reduce indigestion, bloating and to reduce cramps, and can also inhibit bacteria causing an upset stomach, and has been found to be highly effective against salmonella enterica bacterium, one of the main causes of food poisoning. Black seed oil further demonstrates gastroprotective effects by maintaining the layer of mucus which lines and protects the stomach, protecting against toxins and stress, in addition to inhibiting acid secretion

Studies have affirmed that black seed can treat stomach ulcers, and was shown to be as effective as one of the common medications used to treat stomach ulcers, but without any side effects. A 2010 study also showed that black seed is especially beneficial for treating H pylori, a drug resistant bacteria which is known to contribute to stomach ulcers. 

Colitis, or inflammation of the colon or large intestine, is a symptom associated with inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease. There remains no medical cure despite the fact that millions suffer from this condition. However, laboratory studies have concluded that black seed oil can slow inflammation and in one study, a pre-treatment of black seed oil prevented induced colitis. 

Black Seed Benefits for Men

PIC11 3Black seed oil has been proven to assist with fertility problems in men. It increases the production of testosterone, improves sexual stamina, and has a positive effect on sperm quality, count and mobility. Human studies with infertile men confirm that black seed oil can boost sperm count and improve mobility. The antioxidants also help to protect the sperm from damage. Black seed oil can also assist with boosting urine production, effectively improving prostate function and health, and protecting against future prostate issues. It can also help to shrink an enlarged prostate in its early stages, and has a positive effect against prostate cancer,

Black Seed Oil Promotes Weight Loss

The Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders has listed black seed oil as one of the most powerful and effective natural weight-loss remedies in the world. Black seed oil is known to decrease weight gain triggers, and reduce glucose absorption and cravings. Researchers suggest that this may be due to black seed oil’s ability to stabilize insulin levels and decrease inflammation. While it’s not known exactly why, research has shown that black seed oil reduces body mass index (BMI) in those with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

Several studies have shown the potential of black seed oil as a weight loss supplement: One study of 20 people concluded that those taking the supplement combined with aerobic exercise lost more weight than those who did the aerobic exercise without the supplement. A further study of 90 women on a low calorie diet showed that those who made the diet combined with black seed oil lost more weight than those who did not take the oil. Meanwhile a study of 250 men found that those who took black seed oil daily without any additional factors lost some weight and reduced diabetes risk factors.  


For centuries black seed oil has been used for skin and haircare, and it is believed to be one of the secret ingredients behind the beauty of Cleopatra and Nefertiti. So what can black seed do for your skin and hair?

Black Seed Oil Skin Benefits:

PIC12 2

  • Black Seed Oil for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means that an abnormal immune system attacks normal tissue in the skin, in this case leading to inflammation and plaques of raised, thick scaly skin. Black seed oil can help to reduce the inflammation and regulate immune cell activity, and reduce abnormal cell proliferation. Furthermore, black seed oil will hydrate, soothe, and nourish the abnormal skin, promote skin healing and help to repair the damaged skin structure. Although psoriasis can never be completely cured, it can be reduced and may even enter a stage of remission.

Application: Apply a few drops directly to the affected area. If preferred you may also mix with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil.

  • Black Seed Oil for Acne & Blocked Pores

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil are perfect to fight acne and blocked pores. Black seed oil also contains an abundance of fatty acids to flush out excess oil and dissolve the sebum blocked in the pores. Studies have proven that it works as well as the most common acne medication, but does not strip the skin of its natural oils, or have any unwanted side effects. Regular use will leave the skin clean and refreshed and prevent the build up of dirt, bacteria and sebum which causes acne and blemishes. Whatsmore, black seed oil can also help to fade any acne scars.

Application: Dab the spot directly with undiluted black seed oil 

  • Black Seed Oil for Eczema & Dermatitis

A powerful wound healer and skin regenerator, black seed oil has shown to be an excellent remedy for eczema. One study confirmed its use for this purpose in a four week study, where black seed oil was topically applied to hand eczema twice a day, and a quick improvement was depicted.

  • Black Seed Oil Fades Dark Spots, Scars and Discolouration

The collaboration of over 100 nutrients, including vitamin A, amino acids and fatty acids, make black seed oil a good skin regenerator, which this time will fade dark spots and discolouration, and reduce the appearance of scars.

  • Black Seed Oil Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The impressive display of nutrients presents black seed oil with the ability to regenerate the skin, preserve moisture, maintain elasticity and protect against the effects of free-radicals, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and protect against premature ageing. Overall the skin will appear plumper and more youthful.

  • Black Seed Oil for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disease which is caused by a disruption of the melanocyte structure, resulting in patches of skin losing their pigmentation over time. There is no known cure. A study on the effect of black seed oil on vitiligo included 33 patients, and three areas were isolated for treatment with black seed oil which included the face, hands and genital area. Topical application took place twice a day for 6 months. At the end of the study significant repigmentation was recorded in all areas, which gives hope to everyone suffering from this skin disease. The result is most likely due to the linoleic acid in black seed oil which is known to prevent the depletion of pigment. 

Black Seed Oil Hair Benefits:

  • PIC13 1Maintains Scalp Health

The anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties of black seed oil help in maintaining scalp health, soothing conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and eliminating dandruff. It will help to moisturise the scalp and normalise oil production. A healthy scalp promotes healthy strong hair.

Application: For a scalp conditioner, warm two teaspoons between your palms, apply to the scalp with fingertips, massaging in well and leave for 30 minutes before washing off.

  • Promotes Hair Growth & Regrowth

Black seed oil contains important compounds such as proteins, alkaloids and saponins which help to slow the ageing process of the follicles, reducing thinning, hair fall and hair loss, and systematically strengthening the hair follicles. It further promotes blood circulation on the scalp, which is known to boost growth. Black seed oil can help to regulate imbalanced hair growth cycle and activates the hair follicles. In one study the participants reported a 76% reduction in hair loss. 

Nigellone and thymoquinone in black seed oil are both powerful antihistamines which can help to stimulate hair regrowth for people suffering from hair loss due to alopecia. Chemically-made antihistamines are usually the prescribed treatment for this condition.

Application: For hair treatment, warm two tablespoons in the palms of your hands and massage the entire scalp and smooth down to the ends of the hair. Use a wide toothed comb to ensure the oil is fully distributed. Wash off after 60 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

  • Black Seed Oil to Retain Natural Hair Colour

In the same way that black seed oil helps with vitiligo, it can help to retain the pigmentation in the hair follicles for longer, retaining the natural hair colour.

  • Black Seed Oil Conditions the Hair

Black seed oil helps to normalise oil production, preventing the hair from becoming too dry or too greasy. The amino acids in the oil will also help to nourish the follicles, seal in moisture, smooth the hair shaft, and prevent frizz.


As a health tonic, and as a complementary supplement for treatment of disease: Take 1 teaspoon every morning (may be added to honey to improve taste). Do not mix with hot water to preserve the nutrients.
Treatment course is three months with a one month break in between treatments.  


PIC14 1Black seed oil has been used as a traditional remedy in Egypt for thousands of years. Egypt’s  climate, and long history in cultivating and using black seed oil, means that it is one of the best known suppliers of quality cold-pressed black seed oil. 

Here are a few specific things to look for in a black seed oil to ensure you’re getting the best possible product:
Look for cold-pressed – always choose an oil which is cold-pressed since other extraction methods can involve high heat which will damage the beneficial compounds.
Look for an organic product –  so you can ensure that the oil has not been contaminated by pesticide residue.

Always check the ingredients – you only want 100% black seed oil.

Check the control aspect of the oil – ideally it will have undergone a rigid quality control process, from cultivation without chemical intervention, extraction, bottling and distribution. An ideal scenario is purchasing from a single source, who is responsible for every aspect of the process, ensuring the non-contamination of the final product.

Check for certification – When buying a natural oil it should have supporting documentation from independent institutes.

But remember that not all products are made equal!

For a first stop we would suggest that you look no further than Nefertiti for natural oils and herbs. Cold-pressed black seed oil is the best selling product!  

Nefertiti uses best practises, natural fertilizers only, and their unique experience, to produce the best plants for their exclusive use, from their own farm in Al Fayoum, one of the richest agricultural regions in Egypt. The oil is extracted in their own factory, using the environmentally friendly fashion of modern cold press technology, using no other solvents, and ensuring a constant supply of optimum high quality oils.

All natural oils produced using the cold press method are done under the control of the Egyptian State and the Egyptian Ministry of Health. In recognition of their never-ending strive for quality, all of the products are certified. Certifications obtained include: COA certificates and ISO awards in Quality Management System, Environmental management system, Occupational Health & Safety, Food Safety Management System, to name just a few.


PIC15 1Black seed oil is not merely a health supplement, it’s an investment in your future health and wellbeing. 

As backed by science, one teaspoon a day of black seed oil is the equivalent of taking one of the top five antibiotics, plus an anti-inflammatory daily, reaping the rewards for the body, but without the side-effects and negative repercussions. 

Black seed oil has the potential to halt or even regress symptoms of chronic, degenerative and often debilitating diseases, and perhaps even prevent their onset, and can help to forestall a premature death by preventable disease. As the well-known saying tells us – prevention is better than cure! Black seed oil offers quality of life in our golden years. 


Do not use it internally if you are pregnant or nursing. It may cause allergies when used topically.


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