
What is Karkade? All the truth about magical Sudanese rose


Karkade, or hibiscus, is a plant native to tropical countries.

Growing areas from Karkade in Egypt are mainly in the Aswan, Fayum, Quena and some in Nile Delta areas, the largest part of the Sudanese Karkade grew in Kordofan and Darfur. Karkade plants prefer sandy loamy soil and heat to develop beautiful large flowers for the Karkade production. The flowers are harvested by hand, dried, and ready to make tea. The largest selection can be found in the spice market in Cairo.

Karkadeh (Arabic كركديه, scientific Hibiscus sabdariffa L., English Roselle) is the Arabic name for the plant and at the same time for the mallow tea produced from the dried flowers or hibiscus tea. Karkadeh is in Egypt and Sudan a rather popular drink which is drunk hot and cold as a soft drink. Its thirst-quenching effect is especially welcome in hot areas. In Indonesia, the drink is called The mesir (“Egyptian tea”).

Meanwhile, it is common for special occasions, such as wedding celebrations, to serve Karkadeh. It is used as a substitute for alcoholic beverages in a predominantly Islamic society.

In some countries, however, the Karkade plant is not just a medicinal plant. The symbolic value of the hibiscus flower in China, for example, means fame and fortune. In Hawaii, it is used in various ceremonies for ornament. In some African countries, flowering has an erotic significance.

The plant known as a medicinal plant contains active ingredients that are used in a wide variety of physical ailments, both internally and externally.

Karkade and its benefits:

  • Antibacterial
  • Antiseptic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowering blood pressure (cold)
  • Cholesterol-lowering
  • Purifying
  • Diuretic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Metabolic Stimulating
  • Thirst Quenching

Karkade uses:

  • Colds
  • High blood pressure (be sure to drink cold)
  • Anorexia
  • Stomach problems
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Eczema
  • Acne

Karkade ingredients:

a large proportion of vegetable acids, such as apple, hibiscus, citric, and tartaric acid.

In addition: vitamins especially vitamin C (which acts as an antioxidant and acts against free radicals), anthocyanins, flavonoids, pectin, mucus polysaccharides and phytosterols, minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium

2 cups Karkadeh Tea per day contain all of these ingredients our body needs.

Karkade tea for weight loss

The ingredients of Karkadeh, the slightly acidic drink, are ideal for weight loss. This is ensured by the fruit acids contained in the Karkadeh.

Karkade for hypertonic

If you have high blood pressure, you should always drink Karkadeh tea only cold, as it has the effect of lowering blood pressure, while hot Karkadeh increases blood pressure.

Karkade during pregnancy

The minerals and vitamins help to defend against deficiency symptoms such as iron deficiency during pregnancy.

Karkade for skin care

The nourishing properties of hibiscus and at the same time anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic agents have long been appreciated for the production of natural cosmetics. Karkade has become a beauty trend, which is used in Asian natural cosmetics as an extract of hibiscus flower for the production of skin care products. The Karkade (hibiscus) flower with its minerals and vitamin C content helps to revitalize and to balance the moisture of the skin and is an excellent anti-aging agent.

Preparation of Karkade tea

For a cup of tea, pour about 1.5 dried hibiscus blossoms with boiling water, then let it draw for 5-10 minutes, and strain it.

A tip of how to prepare Karkade Tea in an Egyptian village

In the evening: Take a large pot and add 1 kg of washed Karkadeh flowers. Fill with cold water until covered. Bring to boiling with open pot for about 10-15 minutes. Then cover the pot and let it stand overnight. If you want to enjoy the tea afterward cold and sweetened, it is recommended to add the sugar for sweetening during the cooking time.

Next, strain the resulting syrup, put it in a bottle, and put it in the refrigerator for storage. In this way, you get a concentrated basis for the Karkade drink. Add a small amount into a glass (the amount depending on the desired strength) and fill with ice-cold or hot water. Ready to drink!

Karkade for desserts

Karkade is not only used for tea processing but also for making desserts. As in Europe, the “jelly”, a well-known dessert made from fruit extracts and gelling, is used in Sudan Karkadeh with its high pectin content for flavoring, coloring, and gelling of desserts.

Karkade recipe for Sudanese Kunufa

In the mountain regions of Sudan, the seeds of the Karkade are used to make Kunufa, a porridge-like food that is used as a meat substitute because of its high protein content in poorer areas. In Darfur, this mush is referred to as mullah furundu, and the mush is allowed to stand until mushrooms develop (about 10 days later), after which the porridge is stirred again for 2 more days to rest. This type of fermentation is better than cooking to make the porridge edible.

Karkade side effects

Caution is warranted when over-consumption due to the breech-promoting effect during pregnancy.

Nefertiti Oils & Herbs have their own plantation in Fayum where the best conditions for cultivating a high-quality Egyptian Karkade prevail.

Nefertiti Karkade Egyptian Hibiscus Tea is produced under constant control without the addition of chemicals from cultivation to sale in its own shops and online. Let us convince you of the 100% quality of our tea.

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