
Natural oils for enhanced tanning and UV protection

Natural sun tanning is very beneficial for the body and skin. The sun’s rays stimulate the production of vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”, which is vital for us for the good condition of bones, skin, hair, and for hormonal balance. The sun’s rays also contribute to the production of melatonin, a natural antidepressant. But you […]


Can you get rid of acne with oils?

Millions of people around the world suffer from acne. Approximately 70-90% of young people, regardless of gender, have these skin problems. And the age range of this disease is becoming wider. Why are so many affected by acne? Common causes of acne are: excess sebum production, clogged pores, and bacteria living in those pores. Also, […]


Natural haemorrhoid assailants – eliminate this pain in the backside!

Haemorrhoids, not the nicest subject to talk about, but something that should be addressed since it’s estimated that three in four adults will suffer with haemorrhoids from time to time during their lifespan. So what are haemorrhoids, also known as piles? They are actually swollen veins, somewhat similar to varicose veins, which can develop inside […]

Essential Oils For Warts

Essential Oils for Warts Removal

Essential oils for warts A wart is a small, benign tumour on the skin. It can appear on any part of the body. As you know, warts are often of viral origin (more than 60 different viruses belonging to the human papillomavirus family). The appearance of warts or papillomas on the human body is one […]


Let Your Beard Grow

The beard, sometimes referred to as a sign of masculinity, and at other times believed to be a sign of uncouthness or rebellion, has been making a huge comeback over recent years, and it’s estimated that today approximately 55% of men worldwide have some sort of facial hair. But what’s the reason for this latest […]

drying oil vs nondrying oil

Drying Oils vs Non-drying Oils

Drying Oils vs Non-drying Oils, What’s the Difference? Natural plant oils and extracts have been favourite additions to our skin and hair care products for quite some time, partly due to their pleasing aromas, but also for their increasingly known beneficial properties and effects. In contrast, the chemical additives in our daily care products can […]


Have a smooth experience with natural aftershave care

Shaving….. let’s face it, no one likes to do it, but it’s a necessary evil in order to maintain a well groomed appearance. So who originally came up with the idea of shaving? Well you need to go back 10,000 to attribute the blame, as it’s believed that cavemen used to remove their facial hair, […]

essential oils to tighten enlarged pores

Essential oils against enlarged pores

The main problem for those with oily and combination skin is enlarged pores, which may spoil both the appearance and one’s mood. Our skin consists of thousands of tiny holes, or pores, through which it breathes, removes metabolic products in the form of sweat, and performs other processes. Normally, the pores are almost invisible to […]

essential oils for oily skin

Oily Skin – how can natural oils help?

Of all skin types, oily skin is the most problematic. Signs of oily skin include an oily shine, the presence of enlarged pores, comedones and various inflammations. The appearance of oily skin on the forehead, nose and chin often resembles an orange peel. More oily skin is usually caused by (over)active sebaceous glands, which means […]


Top Picks for Nail Health

The nails and cuticles are very easy to neglect in a busy lifestyle. They are subjected to so much in our daily routine – washing dishes, the weather, and over the past year, the necessitated constant handwashing and exposure to chemical sanitisers. All of this can have a drying effect on the nails and cuticles, […]

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