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A beautiful complexion for a long time, and not for one evening

Everyone wants to have a beautiful, even complexion. Only it is not so easy to achieve! Foundation creams, correctors , concealers. Their main task is to mask skin problems and discolouration and neutralize the complexion. Mostly it is about hiding age spots, skin redness, acne or their visible effects from the eyes of others.The dyes […]

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How to save chapped lips

Beautiful lips are made for a smile. But chapped dry lips don’t look very attractive and most people lose confidence when faced with this problem. The lips, unlike the rest of the skin of the body, do not contain sebaceous glands. Consequently, they can become too dry and even crack. You can try to hide […]

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Antifungal properties of some essential oils.

Fungal infections are very common. They are considered one of the most contagious diseases that are easily transmitted from person to person. They are caused by disease-causing fungi that live almost everywhere: in the air, in water, in soil, in plants, and even in the human body. Fungal diseases are dangerous for people of all […]


Beyond Skincare – 9 top oils with skin deep effects

Our skin – the most prominent part of the body, nothing out of the ordinary. We all want to make a good impression by our appearance, or look (more) beautiful. To this end, we use creams, lotions, make-up, assuming that’s the trick. Yet our skin is much more than just a shell or an exterior […]

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Irritation of the skin of the face. What to do?

Our skin has a protective barrier, consisting of dead cells and lipids that stick them together. It protects the epidermis from water loss, from bacteria and microbes, from toxins, from mechanical damage and free radicals. Healthy skin stays firm, elastic and youthful for longer. Skin sensitivity is caused by a breakdown of this protective layer, […]

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Blackheads on the skin of the face and how to deal with them

What are those notorious black dots? In fact, they are the pores that healthy skin cannot do without. Ideally the pores should be small and dispelling any excess sebum, as the pores clogged with dust particles and dead epithelium become an unpresentable sight. Normally, sebum is constantly released and washed off the face during cleansing. […]


Time heals the wounds, but the scars remain

There is such a well-known expression “the scars adorn a man”, from which a kind of pirate immediately arises before the eyes, on whose body there are many marks indicating his stormy life. But now not only women, but also many men prefer to have smooth, unscarred skin. Not everyone decides on the surgical methods […]


Dry & Damaged Hair

Does your hair feel soft, full and thick when you run your hands through it? Does the mirror reflect that shiny and healthy head of hair you want? Or do you have to admit that what you feel and see is less desirable? Brittle and dry hair is the reality for many, not to mention […]


Baby skin care in the first year of its life.

There are as many skincare products for children as there are for adults. The question is: does the child really need all these products?                     Children’s skin is very different from adult skin, let’s look at what the differences are, and what kind of care the baby’s […]

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Lettuce Seed Oil – 20 Health Benefits

The lettuce, initially cultivated by the Ancient Egyptians for its oil, is now a staple in a salad. It’s boring. Innocuous. Well, think again!  Lettuce is a powerhouse of essential nutrients for our body’s health and vitality. The oil, cold pressed from the lettuce seeds, retains all of these nutrients. Lettuce seed oil was considered […]

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