pumpkin seeds benefits for men

Pumpkin Seed Oil for Men’s Health

Did you know that pumpkin seed oil is good for men’s health? And did you know that in supporting and maintaining a healthy condition of the urinary tract and the prostate in particular, pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil can simply be the right product to add to your daily diet?  Maybe men need to […]


Sesame Seed Oil – Pure as Nature

Archaeological excavations indicate that sesame seed oil is one of the oldest oilseed crops known to date. Findings show the first domestication of sesame seed in the Indian region, dating back far before 3000 BC. The Sesamum (Sesame) plant has several species – many of them wild – most of which originate the sub-Saharan areas […]

uses for coconut oil

Uses for coconut oil and its Benefits for Hair and Skin

  Coconut oil, also referred to as a “Superfood”, has a range of different applications, both  culinary and cosmetic. Coconut oil is super easy to use, whether it is in its white waxy like solid or a clear liquid form. With a melting point at approximately 24° C (76° F), coconut oil can be kept […]

Jojoba Oil vs. Argan Oil for Hair Growth

Argan Oil vs Jojoba Oil for Face, Skin and Hair

Jojoba Oil vs. Argan Oil for Hair Growth Natural oils are one of the wheels that make the world of cosmetics spin. These oils contain vitamins A, E, and many others. Natural oils moisturize, nourish, and protect, they can be used in their pure form and as an additive to daily care for face and […]


12 Health Advantages of Fenugreek Oil

What is Fenugreek?  The fenugreek plant is known by many names, such as helba, shambhala, chaman, goat shamrock, hilbe and others. Fenugreek is an annual plant from the legume family and it grows in Western Asia and the Mediterranean. It is a truly a multi-purpose herb that has been used for thousands of years to […]


Pumpkin Seed Oil for Healthy Kidneys

It’s that time of year again – now summer definitely is over and fall has set in, many of us are preparing for the annual Halloween festivities that originated as the end-of-year harvest festival and the coming of winter. The ‘scary’ image that Halloween has, has always been emphasized by beautifully carved and illuminated pumpkins. […]


Almond Oil – Powerhouse of Nutrients

Surely everyone knows Almonds, those delicious nuts with their whitish flesh covered by a reddish brown layer. They have a light, milky/buttery taste and their crunchiness adds to the distinct flavour of these nuts. This slightly roasted flavour of raw almonds is due to its skin. And it could very well be, that it is […]

hi 3

Pain Relief Oil: How It Interacts With The Body

Introduction to Pain Relief Oil Sometimes in our life, we may find that the joints and muscles in our body start to experience pain, soreness or disorders which can be caused by different day-to-day factors. Perhaps you are an athlete or a regular user of the gym, putting your joints and muscles under great strain […]

Essential Oils for pain relief

Back Pain and The Best 4 Oils for Natural Treatment

Pain relief oil Black Seed Oil Rucola Seed Oil Sesame oil Back pain – a widespread disease One of the so-called common diseases nowadays is back pain (lower back pain). It is the most common disease of modern society, although in general people today do much less strenuous physical work than before. But that is […]

Nefertiti Planet getting healthy

Balance of Nature

There is a bright side of COVID-19, and how this scary virus has unintentionally been beneficial to humanity and our planet!! Today’s situation Lockdowns, medical shortages and social distancing have now become the norm for most people as this virus COVID-19 continues to sweep across the globe creating chaos and much loss for many people. […]

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