
How to Treat and Prevent Chlorine Rash 

As we make the most of the end of the summer holidays and perhaps venture to the local outdoor swimming pool to catch some more rays before the warm weather retreats for another year or start to visit the indoor pools as the weather starts to cool, after rediscovering a love of swimming on the beaches during our vacation, or maybe as part of a fitness regime, we may find ourselves wondering about the chlorine in the pool. Is it bad for you? After all, it seems to have a really pungent smell, and is very similar to household bleach which we use (although at a different dilution). Firstly lets be clear, the chlorine is not as strong as the smell may suggest, as the strength of the odour is not an indication the potency of the solution. The strong chlorine smell is actually caused when ammonia from sweat or urine (try not to think about it!!!), comes into contact with the bleach and the chemical reaction occurs forming chloramine which is responsible for the strong smell, which can also be aggravating to the eyes and nasal passages.

The effect of chlorine on skin and hair

PIC1As effective as chlorine may be at killing bacteria in the pool (still trying very hard not to think about the sweat and urine!!!), it can be harsh on the skin and hair, ultimately obliterating moisture and disrupting sebum production. Unfortunately it’s not uncommon for people to also develop chlorine rash a few hours after exposure to chlorine, particularly after repeated exposure. Chlorine rash causes inflammation , a red itchy rash or hives (raised itchy welts), or alternatively it can cause the skin to become dry and flaky. What is interesting to know is that chlorine is often not the allergen, but is a catalyst for existing allergies, which may not even be an issue on their own. Chlorine/chloramine irritates and sensitises the respiratory tract or sinuses and aggravates underlying issues such as asthma, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), bronchospasms or other allergies which is what sparks the inflammatory reaction. Meanwhile, in some cases the body wrongly identifies chlorine as a foreign invader (such as bacteria/virus) and the immune system triggers inflammation. It is also possible to have a sensitivity to chlorine.  

PIC2Regarding the hair, I’m sure that everyone has heard horror stories about blonde or bleached hair turning a greenish hue in the pool. Unfortunately these tales are true, as the chlorine causes copper to oxidise and these particles stick to the hair, creating a hulk-like green hue on the hair. It happens to all hair colours but is obviously more noticeable on lighter coloured hair. Brunettes also have the added complication that chlorine is a bleach and will react with the melanin in the hair and make it lighter over time. If you colour your hair, ensure to wait at least one week before introducing your new colour to chlorine, as the harsh chemicals in the dye could react with the chlorine and ruin the colour.

How to protect against chlorine rash

There are a number of precautions that you can take to protect your skin and hair:

Black seed oil


Taking black seed oil orally on a daily basis may help to suppress allergic reactions such as chlorine rash. Allergic reactions are often the result of an overreaction by the immune system, accumulating in inflammation. Black seed oil is able to manage this reaction by suppressing some of the inflammatory factors in the body, whilst simultaneously increasing the anti-inflammatory reactions of others. In one study it was confirmed that black seed is as effective in suppressing inflammation in arthritis as a potent steroid commonly used for this purpose. Meanwhile another study on the effects of black seed on hay fever, which consisted of 66 subjects, concluded that black seed was able to suppress inflammatory allergic reactions as it produced a significant decrease in symptoms and IgE antibodies in nasal secretions. A further study on hay fever, where subjects used black seed oil as nasal drops to treat mild to severe hay fever, found that 9 out of the 10 participants had severely reduced to no remaining symptoms at all at the end of the six week study. The result was attributed to antihistamine properties displayed by thymoquinone, an active compound in black seed oil.

Shower before entering the pool

PIC4You will usually see signs advising to shower before entering the water, although in most places this is rarely enforced. Whilst it is recommended in order to remove bacteria/dirt/sweat from your skin before entering the water, it is also in your very best interest to do so. As well as keeping the pool cleaner and thus alleviating the necessity to add more chlorine, wet skin will be unable to absorb so much of the chlorinated water, and it will not be absorbed as deeply into the skin as it would with dry skin. This is also the same for the hair, since wet hair does not have the same potential to absorb as much chlorine as dry hair. 

Apply coconut oil to the hair and skin before using the pool

PIC5Before going into the pool apply some coconut oil to the skin. It will help to retain moisture in the skin, and form an invisible barrier between the skin and the chlorinated water. Likewise on the hair, the oil will prevent moisture loss and subsequent dryness, and coat each strand of hair, providing an impenetrable barrier to protect against damage and prevent the oxidised particles sticking to the hair which cause that green hue.

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Shower after using the pool

Always take a shower after leaving the pool to help wash off the chlorine from your skin and hair before it dries. No need to allow it keep in contact with your skin and hair any longer than necessary. If possible use a light unperfumed (and preferably natural) cleansing shower gel to remove it, but even a rinse with clean water is better than nothing.


PIC6Dry skin is far more susceptible to damage and rashes, particularly in the case of chlorine rash since it will seek hydration and thus draw in more of the chlorinated water. Natural oils will add healthy hydration without the use of damaging chemicals which can make the skin more sensitive. Why not try some cold pressed argan oil? Lightweight and easily absorbed with a comedogenic rating of 0 (non-clogging), it will replenish lost moisture,  remedy dry, flaky skin, and provide long-lasting water retention by boosting the skin barrier and sealing in moisture. For best results apply after a shower to seal in moisture. You can also add a few drops to your usual shower gel, shampoo or conditioner.
get-the-most-out-of-argan-oil-this-summer/ Discover the benefits of argan oil for your hair and skin. It deserves a spot on everyone’s bathroom shelf.

Soothing chlorine rash

PIC7If you do suffer from chlorine rash, aloe vera is exceptional in its ability to soothe and cool irritated and inflamed skin, and reduce redness, swelling and itching. It inhibits the production of prostaglandin E2, a lipid active in the sebaceous glands which is pro-inflammatory. Chlorine rash typically lasts approximately three days, but aloe vera can help to reduce the discomfort and accelerate the skin’s healing. Aloe vera is quickly and deeply absorbed into the skin, penetrating the epidermis quicker than water, and by up to three epidermal layers.
20 Amazing Uses for Aloe VeraThe healing, soothing and hydrating properties of aloe vera is unparalleled. A must have for your herbal healing cupboard, skincare regime and travel bag.

Swimming is extremely beneficial to health, it helps to build endurance, improves heart and lung health and helps to tone the entire body since it gives a full body workout with low impact. It also improves mental health since it relaxes and de-stresses. Follow our tips to safeguard your reaction to chlorine, have fun, and enjoy swimming as a way to improve your general wellbeing. It’s also a fun activity that the whole family can enjoy together. 



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