Natural Oils to Enhance Exercise & Sports

Regular physical exercise is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle.  It boosts energy, reduces stress, helps you to maintain body weight, and can help to prevent health problems. Best of all, it doesn’t even need to be a high intensity exercise, just simple walking is better than nothing.PIC1 3

However, for those of you that do wish to take their exercise to the next level, whether its a weekly team sport, exercising at the gym, cycling, running, a zumba class, or whatever takes your fancy, here’s a range of natural oils which can help you prepare, perform and recover better:

Black seed for overall well being, asthma and hay fever

Black seed oil can help to improve overall wellness and improve the immune system, keeping you from missing training or exercise due to sickness. As far as performance is concerned, black seed has been shown to ignite stress defence mechanisms in the body, thus potentially improving endurance and allowing a quicker recovery time.

PIC2 3If your exercise regime is hindered by exercise-induced asthma, black seed oil can play a huge role in asthma treatment. Laboratory studies show that black seed oil can stimulate relaxation of the trachea and bronchi, and produce a reduction in the inflammatory mediators, thus systematically reducing the effect of an “attack”, and generally improving lung health.

For those of you that suffer from seasonal allergies, which can hinder your performance, black seed is also a natural treatment for hay fever. It can manage the immune system’s overreaction which causes nasal congestion, itchy and watering eyes, and sneezing, and suppress some of the inflammatory factors in the body and increase the anti-inflammatory reactions of others, thus effectively managing hay fever or other seasonal allergies.

The strong anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil, also make it a great oil for the pain relief of muscles and joints.

Walnut oil for optimum heart health

Walnut oil supports the heart, and as such can help to reduce any extra strain put on the heart during exercise, especially when perhaps first building up a fitness regime. It reduces the bad cholesterol and increases the good, in addition to lowering blood pressure. Walnut oil can also decrease heart rate, and therefore the amount of oxygen which your body needs during exercise, which is good news for sports, as by using less oxygen your body effectively uses less energy, giving you the edge on your competitors. 

PIC3 3 Being rich in omega-3 fatty acid, walnut oil stimulates brain activity. Omega-3 fatty acids are a vital component of the cell wall, which is necessary for complete nerve signal transmission, and as far as sports performance is concerned, can dramatically improve reaction time. 

Rucola for muscles, joints & endurance

A powerhouse of important minerals, vitamins and nutrients, rucola seed oil enhances metabolism and increases energy. As a rich source of nitrates it helps muscles to relax, and helps to flush out lactic acid, thus preventing muscle-pain and fatigue after a high-intensity workout. Studies have indicated that it can enhance athletic performance and endurance by helping to lower blood pressure and reducing the amount of oxygen required during exercise. PIC4 3Being high in potassium, rucola seed oil can help to normalise fluid balance in the joint and improve joint mobility. This oil can also help to restore and strengthen cartilage tissue, and relieve inflammation of the joints due to injury, and therefore is highly recommended for athletes.

Inflammation is the precursor to many chronic diseases if left unresolved. Recent studies have shown that erucine, an isothiocyanate contained in rucola seed oil, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can inhibit pro-inflammatory enzymes and cytokines. Rucola seed oil may be taken internally and applied topically as a massage for the relief of inflammatory ailments such as sprains.

Sesame oil for strong bones

Strong bones are key to any exercise, reducing the possibility of stress fractures. In Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, sesame is the natural remedy to strengthen the bones and protect against weak bones and osteoporosis. PIC5 3 

Sesame oil is extremely high in calcium, the foundation for strong bones, and just one teaspoon provides the daily recommended requirement. The high content of copper, magnesium and omega-3 makes sesame oil viable for all bone issues, and regular intake helps to retain bone structure. This oil is also extremely high in zinc, of which low levels have been linked to osteoporosis. Regular massaging with sesame oil can help to slow the bone thinning process. 

Sesame oil is also found to speed up the recovery of a fracture, accelerating healing and regrowth, and can also reduce inflammation and pain when gently massaged into the area above the fracture. 

Aloe vera for outside sports/exercising

If you are exercising outside, aloe vera is a great addition for your kit bag. Its cooling anti-inflammatory properties can bring relief to rashes caused by allergic reactions including heat rash and nettle rash, helping to relieve inflammation, redness and itchiness. Aloe vera will also bring instant relief for any bites or stings.

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Exercising during the summer always brings the additional risk of sunburn. Aloe vera instantly soothes and cools sunburn due to a pain relieving compound called carboxypeptidase, whilst helping to replace the lost moisture. It’s also contains polysaccharides to actively stimulate skin repair and rejuvenation. Studies have shown that another compound, aloinsin, helps to prevent the skin peeling which can happen following sunburn. Aloe vera has been confirmed by the Skin Cancer Foundation as a safe remedy for the relief of mild sunburn.

Any small cuts and abrasions accumulated during your sport or exercise can benefit from the pain relief, wound healing and antiseptic properties of aloe vera. In fact it contains 6 antiseptic agents which have inhibitory action on bacteria, fungi and viruses. Studies have confirmed that aloe vera can minimise scarring and accelerate the healing process as it boosts the production of collagen. It is also a natural remedy for friction blisters, reducing redness and swelling, and keeping the wound bacteria free and well-hydrated, and promoting faster healing.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil stimulates the body and mind,  improving mental clarity, raising energy levels, and eliminating fatigue. It can also bring relief to tight, sore and aching muscles, and any bruising you may have accumulated. Peppermint oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It increases blood flow and imparts an instant cooling effect.

PIC7 3Your feet are key to your exercise regime. Peppermint oil can cool and soothe, tired, aching and sore feet, and reduce any swelling. Reflexology, or foot massage, can also help to increase body circulation, ease stress and aching muscles, and energise the body. Additionally, peppermint oil can counteract any fungal and bacterial infections, plus diminish bad smells!

Natural oils can help you to perform better and for longer, and help in any recovery that’s needed.

So let’s get started….but there is no gain without pain!!! PIC8 2 


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