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8 Alternative Ways to Scent Your Home with Essential Aroma Oils

pic1 4If you want to create a nice relaxing atmosphere in the home, its easy to introduce essential aroma oils by using an oil burner or vaporiser. But there’s other alternative ways to use these oils around the house to enjoy the fresh natural fragrance and reap the aromatherapy benefits too:

PIC2 3Scent your drawers

Add a touch of seduction to your underwear drawer by putting a few drops of essential oil onto a cotton wool ball and placing it in the corner of the drawer. Try the exotic and mesmerising aromas of Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood or Ylang Ylang or, for a more subtle floral effect, try Lavender. Since the scent will be absorbed by your underwear, ensure that you choose a scent you really like. What a great way to add a hint of fragrance to the bedroom too!

PIC3 3A breath of fresh air

Forget about cloying synthetic air-fresheners in the bathroom. A fresh scent like lemon is ideal in this area. Simply place a few drops of the oil on the cardboard tube inside the toilet roll and allow it to remove any unpleasant aromas, as well as giving you a boost in the morning.

PIC4 3Spice it up

Neutralise cooking odours with the use of cinnamon which has been used for thousands of years to dispel bad food odours and tastes. Simply heat an extra pan of water and add a few drops of the oil once it starts to simmer.

PIC5 3Make a sweeping statement

Scent the rooms as you vacuum. Simply saturate a tissue with some essential oil, for instance orange or lemon, and let the vacuum suck it up. As you go from room to room, the tissue will heat up and dispense a lovely aroma to counteract the hot dust smell! Plus the smell will give you an energy boost to keep on going.

PIC6 3Shake and vac

Refresh your carpets with this natural non-toxic cleaner. Add 10 drops of essential oil to 200gms of baking soda or cornstarch. Mix together well and store in an airtight/waterproof container for at least two days. Stir before use and sprinkle over your carpets. Leave for a minimum of two hours and then vacuum up. 

PIC7 3Stale-mate

Freshen stale air with a quick spritz of this chemical free spray. Simply add a few drops of essential oil to water in a spray bottle, shake well and mist as needed. Try a fresh citrus aroma or some peppermint or a blend of both.

PIC8 3Cupboard love

Keep cupboards and wardrobes smelling fresh by adding a couple of drops of oil to cotton wool balls and placing in the wardrobe/cupboard. Alternatively make and hang a fabric pouch or salt dough ornament scented with essential oil. Try lavender, peppermint or clove to also dispel moths and carpet beetles. It will also add a light fragrance to your clothes and dispel any stale and musty odours from shoes. You can also spritz your shoes with some tea tree oil distilled in water to neutralize any odours. 

PIC9 3Sweet trash

Add a couple of drops of orange essential oil to a cotton wool ball or tissue and drop it in the bottom of the bin to help keep the bin smelling fresh, and eliminate any harmful bacteria. You can also spritz or wipe the lid with some orange essential oil in water to deter flies and ants.

Scent your home today with the wonderful aromas of essential oils.




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