
For those over 30 years of age

Firstly, it is an invariable fact that age-related changes are a natural process. However, counteracting its outward manifestations is certainly possible! It is best to start with this from the age of 25. Because did you know that the body’s own collagen is amply produced until the age of 25 and then gradually decreases? If you are not used to taking adequate care of the skin from a young age, it will be more difficult to deal with age-related changes.60be22d6d6030
An 80-year-old American woman once said, “When I was young, I had a wrinkled skirt and a smooth face, unfortunately, it’s the other way around now.”

Causes of premature skin ageing

The body naturally forms the more aggressive forms of oxygen-free radicals or oxidants, which are involved in many bodily processes. When the amount of these chemical compounds exceed the permissible level, they have the opportunity to destroy the body from within, this is called oxidative stress. The result of this process are wrinkles, skin folds, and sagging muscles. What Affects Excessive Free Radical Formation? Let’s talk about this in more detail.
Environmental factors
The skin is exposed to the partially negative effects of sun and rain, wind and frost on a daily basis. All of this has adverse effects on our natural skin barrier. One of the most formidable enemies is the sun’s rays. These contribute most to the formation of free radicals. You may enjoy sunbathing, but understand that a beautiful tan can only be obtained in exchange for natural collagen.

Unhealthy lifestyle
The problem today is that many do not engage in enough physical activity. This negatively affects all body systems. 60be231250816The less exercise, the less useful substances are produced by the body, especially collagen. Collagen is especially needed for smooth, elastic skin and to prevent wrinkles. Poor sleep quality affects our overall health, as well as appearance. Lack of sleep leads to dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles and irregular pigmentation.

Another negative factor is (long-term) stress, which releases the hormones cortisol and adrenaline powerfully. Too much cortisol dilates small blood vessels and too much adrenaline can lead to various spasms. The skin can easily become inflamed and literally loses its youth before our very eyes.

Hormonal changes
Different periods of a woman’s life (pregnancy, menopause, stress) influence the general hormone balance, which is an important factor for the health of all organs. Usually, a decrease in estrogen levels negatively affects the youthfulness of the body. From that moment on, the body ages faster, becomes more susceptible to various diseases, worsening the general condition.

Improper skincare
Some people mistakenly believe that beauty products should be used as late as possible. Of course, by the age of 30, the body’s biological resources are far from exhausted and the lack of skin care is unnoticeable. However, if the skin is not adequately protected, the onset of irreversible changes starts much earlier. These include clogged pores, acne, comedones, dull skin, and enlarged pores. If the skin is not hydrated and nourished well, it will dry out, lose its original youthful appearance and the first lines and wrinkles will soon appear.

Unhealthy habits
60be233c64976Smoking can have adverse effects on both health and skin. A smoker can be recognized by a yellowish-grey complexion, dry skin, pronounced nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the lips. Nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes constrict blood vessels, preventing the epidermis from getting enough nutrients and oxygen.
Alcohol retains moisture in the body, which can lead to oedema. Wrinkles appear on those areas at a later stage. In addition, alcohol destroys vitamins in the body, which has a negative effect on the skin.

Physical ageing
The appearance of wrinkles is strongly influenced by many repeated muscle movements in the skin. As a result, folds and wrinkles appear in certain places. Think of intense squinting due to poor vision, which causes wrinkles in the corner of the eye. Frequent frowning leads to a frown line between the eyebrows.
Sleeping on the side or on the stomach accelerates the ageing process of the neck and face. 60bf573c2853aThe skin in certain places is compressed and wrinkles appear.
Oddly enough, even regular drinking from straws contributes to the formation of a network of expression lines on the lips and around the mouth.

Eating habits
It has been shown that external skin care alone is not sufficient. The skin also needs nourishment from within. Due to a strict diet and significant weight loss, the skin does not have time to adjust to the new conditions and reacts by becoming dry, losing elasticity and tone, and discoloring. In addition, sugary foods reduce the skin’s ability to renew itself. The combination of glucose with proteins in the digestive process results in the breakdown of collagen and elastane.
Age-related changes take place gradually and almost imperceptibly. A visible sign of ageing is dry skin, as the amount of moisture-retaining components decreases. The first wrinkles appear, especially around the nose and eyes and on the neck. Pores may enlarge, and the complexion becomes dull.

Facial oils – unique and versatile

These can replace any facial cream, lotion or mask, or simply be a complementary skin care product. They can also be added to your usual care products. Natural oils make the skin velvety soft and are a true cocktail of vitamins and nutrients that perfectly nourish and care for your skin. These are 7 of the best anti-ageing oils that can help keep your skin youthful:

Jojoba oil

This unique natural oil has no equal in terms of composition. Jojoba oil is actually more of a liquid wax extracted from the nuts of the jojoba tree. Although this oil is a vegetable product, its composition is so similar to the sebum produced by the body that our skin does not notice the difference. Using the oil in its pure form or as an additive in the cream will not clog pores and will reduce acne and blackheads. It is suitable for all skin types: it moisturizes dry skin, and for oily skin, it prevents and treats inflammation. Jojoba oil is quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy film, so is suitable for use both in the morning before going out and in the evening before going to sleep.
Jojoba oil contains a natural protein that resembles collagen in properties. This protein penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and promotes the production of the body’s own collagen, helping to improve the shape of the face and prevent wrinkles. This oil contains a high concentration of vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and prevents skin aging. Fine lines and wrinkles are reduced and the harmful effects of toxins and other pollution on the skin neutralized.
Jojoba oil is one of the most versatile care products for both skin and hair. In addition to taking care of wrinkles, it can help prevent and reduce stretch marks and reduce cellulite.

Wrinkles – Apply to cleansed skin on the face, neck and décolleté, gently massage with fingers along the massage line. It can be mixed with your favourite cream.
Cellulite – Massage the problem areas of the body with a combination of jojoba oil and a few drops of orange essential oil.
Hair – add to your shampoo or apply to split ends.

Argan oil

This is one of the rarest oils in the world as argan trees only grow in Morocco. Argan oil contains essential fatty acids, especially linoleic acid (omega-6), which is important for skin health. As an antioxidant, it reduces transdermal water loss and repairs the skin barrier. The vitamin E present is responsible for the regeneration of damaged cells. Vegetable pigments polyphenols act on the top layer of the epidermis and relieve it of age-related pigmentation.
Argan oil is great for skin care. Its nickname “lifeline” for aging skin is well deserved: it nourishes and moisturizes the skin perfectly. This makes argan oil very effective for age-related skin changes such as wrinkles, loss of turgor, increased pigmentation. By using this oil daily, expression lines and wrinkles are smoothed, cellular and lipid reserves are restored.60be236a13a62
Argan oil can also be used for hair care, it is one of the most effective products for high quality cellular hydration and hair nourishment.

Skin – apply to cleansed skin on the face, neck, décolleté. For skin conditions also apply to problem areas.

Sweet almond oil

Almond oil is a widely used product in cosmetics for the daily skin care of the face and body, nails and hair. Regular use on the skin improves the complexion, smooths wrinkles, and gives the skin elasticity. It is suitable for all skin types and even the sensitive skin of babies. Particularly beneficial for dry, cracked skin, this oil is also excellent for massaging the face, especially the eye area. Massage improves blood circulation, helps reduce expression lines, nourishes eyelashes, and promotes their growth.
Almond oil protects the skin well against adverse environmental influences (frost, wind, ultraviolet radiation). It can be used to strengthen and grow hair and also helps to improve the condition of brittle nails and cuticles.

Skin – Apply to cleansed skin on the face, neck, and décolleté.
Makeup remover – while improving lash growth – apply a few drops of oil to a damp sponge and wipe your face.

Wheat germ oil

The power of this oil lies in its natural composition. Amino acids (leucine and tryptophan), polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and -9), vitamins (E, B1, B6, A), antioxidants (allantoin, squalene) and other biologically active substances help maintain youthful skin.
Wheat germ oil is suitable for all skin types. Dry and sensitive skin will receive additional nutrition and hydration, oily and problem skin will get rid of blackheads and oily sheen.
60be2380d6e5bWheat germ oil stimulates metabolism and oxygen exchange in the skin, improves microcirculation, slows down the ageing process, protects against ultraviolet radiation. In the case of sagging skin, it evens out the colour and forms the contour of the face.
With regular use, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out and pores are narrowed. The skin takes on a youthful and fresh look.

Skin – can be used both in pure form (for problem skin areas), and by adding it to creams, masks and other oils. Mixed with creams, this oil can be applied to especially sensitive areas: eyelids, under the eyes, and on the lips. In its pure form, apply pointwise to problem areas to cauterize acne. It is not suitable for regular use in its pure form instead of a cream. Apply only to previously cleansed skin.

Shea butter

Shea butter is a real boost for gaunt skin. Its unique composition brings dry skin back to life, provides cells with nutrition and local immunity. Thanks to this, the skin is healed and many skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema gradually disappear. The complex composition of oleic, stearic and palmitic acids protects the skin from drying out and dehydration. 60be23968ea97With regular use, the complexion is evened out, fine wrinkles and even stretch marks are smoothed, renewal starts in the deep layers of the epidermis. Shea butter protects the skin against frost, wind, and sunlight. It relieves inflammation, soothes allergies from insect bites, heals minor wounds. Shea butter is suitable not only for the face but also for chapped lips.

Skin: Can be used as a standalone product or in combination with creams, masks, balms. Can be used as a makeup base. It is best used in its pure form in the evening. A prerequisite is that the skin must be pre-cleaned.

Grape seed oil

It is in the grape seeds that all the beneficial properties of this plant are concentrated. Possessing powerful antioxidant properties, this oil perfectly nourishes the skin of the face, has a lifting effect, prevents the formation of wrinkles, and unclogs blocked pores. It is sometimes called the “elixir of youth”. The substances contained in this oil have a positive effect on our skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin (thanks to the presence of resveratrol and vitamins E, A, C), which give the skin firmness and elasticity. 60be23ab79ea5In addition, the oil penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and nourishes them, helping to prevent cellulite, improving blood circulation and reducing the appearance of rosacea and spider veins. Grape seed oil is also used to treat dry and damaged hair and to restore thinned nails.

Skin: for dry skin, it is recommended to mix with other natural oils such as jojoba, coconut or shea butter. For normal to oily skin, the grape seed oil is applied undiluted.

Fenugreek oil

The benefits of this fantastic oil should not be underestimated! We all know that the appearance of the skin is greatly influenced by the internal state of the body. Fenugreek oil (or Helba oil) contains diosgenin, a substance that is similar to the female hormone estrogen. This makes this oil particularly suitable for women. The natural decline in estrogen as a result of PMS and menopause leads to visible ageing of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Estrogen increases hyaluronic acid, which maintains fluid balance and the structural integrity of the skin. This hormone is responsible for the production of collagen, which maintains the thickness of the epidermis. Taking fenugreek oil internally, will normalize hormone balance, increase estrogen levels, thereby contributing to both your health and appearance.
External application of Helba oil makes the skin elastic, eliminates age spots, as a result of which the skin acquires a youthful, well-groomed appearance.

Internally: take 1 teaspoon of this oil every morning on an empty stomach, for a period of 1 to 3 months.
Skin – apply to the cleansed skin of face, neck and décolleté.

When to apply a facial oil?

Primarily, oils are an evening beauty ritual. Simply since in the evening you can devote more time to yourself, and can apply oil to your face, neck and décolleté, and also give yourself a 5-minute massage. The oil can also be applied to the skin in the morning as a base for makeup. If your skin feels too dry or tight, you can use the oil in day care, applying a couple of drops of oil, rubbing them in your palms, on top of a cream or serum.

Aesthetic skin problems cannot be prevented or repaired if they are related to genetic or hereditary factors, or to the natural process of skin ageing. However, these products can help delay the signs of skin ageing.

It should be taken into account that the skin of the face is more sensitive than the skin of the body and that it is much more exposed to external influences. Therefore, the skin of the face requires your special attention, and natural oils can perfectly assist you in the care of your skin.

Keep your skin young and healthy!

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