Get the closest shave for the smoothest and silkiest summer legs ever

PIC1 1With summer very much underway, the weather is hotting up nicely, more flesh is on display and it possibly won’t be long before you’re donning beachwear. So let’s make sure that you’re ready to flaunt your favourite summer outfits. We’ve got DIY’s ready to ensure that you get a close, smooth shave without any nasty chemicals to irritate your skin. Remember it’s not just about the actual shave, its a step by step process and the preparations and aftercare are key:


PIC2 1The key to a close shave is to remove the dead skin cells first. Regular exfoliation can also help to prevent painful ingrown hairs, so get in the routine of exfoliating regularly and that’s one less thing to worry about. The best type of scrub is all natural. No need to irritate the skin with artificial chemicals or make it more sensitive when you’re about to shave and expose it to the sun. 

Check out the Nefertiti range of natural exfoliators or alternatively make your own DIY sugar scrub: 

  • 60ml (½ cup) coconut oil (the kind that’s solid at room temperature)
  • 125 g (1 cup) sugar
  • 15 drops of essential oil suited to your skin type.

Melt the coconut oil in a double boiler or in the microwave and allow it to cool but not to solidify. Stir in the essential oil and mix well, add the sugar, and then check the consistency. It should be grainy and crumbly. If its too wet, add some more sugar. Store in a glass jar. 

Prep the skin by soaking in/washing with warm water to open the pores. Do not use hot water as this can over-sensitise the skin. Apply some scrub to wet skin, and gently massage over the skin in circular motions, applying only gentle pressure. Rinse off with warm, not hot, water. Alternatively you can add some of the scrub with a little shower gel.
https://nefertiti-eg.com/polish-your-look-with-natural-exfoliators/ – find out more about exfoliation and nefertiti natural scrubs.
https://nefertiti-eg.com/have-a-smooth-experience-with-natural-aftershave-care/ – more on shaving and essential oils


Check your razor
If you use a disposable razor, you should be using a new one each time you shave your legs. However, some are of a better quality and can last a couple of sessions if they are cleaned off and stored properly. Just check that your razor is not blunt, as it will not give you the close shave you require, is more likely to cause ingrown hairs and putt you at considerable more risk from nicks and cuts, and skin irritation.  


Shave with an All Natural Shaving Oil
PIC3 1It may be tempting and cost saving to just shave with soap but don’t do it! It can dry the skin, and soap residue can also blunt the blade, leading to nicks and cuts, razor burn and stubbly bits. As for dry shaving – ouch! Don’t even contemplate it, it’s an open invite for razor burn, cuts, ingrowing hairs, dryness and sensitivity. Enough said! A natural alternative is a DIY shaving oil which will provide moisturisation and lubrication. And best of all, unlike synthetic shaving cream, those no nasty chemicals and you’ll also be able to see what you’re doing, so you are less likely to miss any patches. It also provides antibacterial properties. For best results shaving should be done after a warm bath or shower when the pores are open and the follicles softened.
DIY Shaving Oil:

  • 60ml carrier oil of your choice (eg, jojoba, almond, argan, coconut, etc)
  • 6 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop rose or geranium essential oil
  • 1 drop bergamot essential (do not include just before sun exposure as can make the skin photosensitive).

Add the carrier oil to a bottle, add the essential oils, shake well, apply to the legs and shave as usual. Remember that oil goes a long way, just a small amount is needed so it’s also very economical.

Want more DIY recipes?
DIY Christmas Gifts – an array of natural DIY gift items.
Indulge your skin – 4 Summer DIY recipes – keep your skin in tip-top condition.
Beat the heat with a refreshing essential oil mist – a cooling refreshing mist.
Custom blend your own face serum – make a face serum particularly suited to your skin needs.


Soothe and moisturise
PIC4 1For those with extremely sensitive skin, razor burn or sensitivity may seem inevitable, but aloe vera cream will soon soothe your skin. Its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing effect will help to relieve razor bumps or razor burn, whilst treating ingrown hairs and handling any nicks and cuts. It also a great moisturiser with remarkable hydrating properties. According to studies aloe vera is able to penetrate up to three epidermal layers of the skin, in addition to penetrating the epidermis quicker than water. Compounds in aloe vera called mucopolysaccharides help to bind moisture into the skin, and it won’t leave a greasy residue. Aloe vera will leave the skin feeling supersoft whilst actively promoting skin repair – it has demonstrated increasing skin repair by up to eight times. 

Show off beautiful smooth and silky legs this summer with the help of natural products. Better for you, your wallet and the environment.

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