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What should you know about aromatherapy? Full aromatherapy oils guide

Aromatherapy is the use of natural essential oils for the well-being of the body, as well as for the relief of disease symptoms. It is not new, because the ancient Egyptians have already applied aromatherapy. Aromatherapy oils how to use The use of aromatherapy is a welcome relaxation option once you are stressed out and […]

egypt herbs and spices market research report 1

Herbs and spices from Egypt: treasures of nature in your kitchen

Back to nature is the buzzword. Fresh herbs and spices are just as important as fresh vegetables. Herbs from Egypt offer top quality. Why?? The year-round favorable climate provides the prerequisite for a multiple harvests in the year; fresh herbs are available for further processing at any time. The sun brings an excellent quality of […]

Natural oils for high blood pressure

Natural oils for high blood pressure

People who suffer from high blood pressure, in the long run, a major health risk. Blood vessels and the heart are, particularly at risk. The name hypertension for high blood pressure can be derived from the Latin and means (too strong tension). One of the causes of high blood pressure is permanent mental pressure, which […]

5 Essential Oil Pairs for Gut Health 1

TOP natural oils & herbs, which you should definitely have at home

To cover the daily needs of nutrients and vitamins, it is advisable to have some supply of natural oils, as well as natural herbs in the house. With a cup of tea in the morning, you can start the healthy day. Hibiscus tea (Karkade tea) has a high content of vitamin C and is often […]

why choose Natural cosmetics

Why should you choose natural cosmetics

Our skin is our biggest sense organ with about 2 square meters and millions of nerve cells. At the same time its our largest respiratory organ. Therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to it. Many cosmetics contain chemical substances that have extremely harmful effects on skin as they pass through it into the […]

benfits of sesame oil

Benefits of sesame oil, which you didn’t know about

Sesame seed has been known for a long time. In South Asia, traces of sesame were found in the soil, which had an age of more than 5,000 years. Even the ancient Egyptians used sesame as a spice, as well as Chinese. It is still used today because of its nutty flavor, to refine food. […]

Essential oils to lose weight

Essential oils to lose weight! How it works?

Essential oils help to reduce unnecessary body weight in various ways: through the fragrance of the essential oils, while using an aroma lamp or through the therapeutic use in different kinds of massage. Essential oils have a detoxifying effect on the body and especially on the circulation, digestion and hormone balance. Thus, they ensure the […]

square essential oil necklace 1

Trend of 2019: Essential Oils Accessories

The popularity of essential oils has increased with the knowing about their positive active ingredients. This has inspired some inventors to develop unique uses for essential oils in daily use. Depending on your own needs and you can now purchase different diffuser. We, Nefertiti, offer a variety of essential oils to all these diffusers. Essential […]

what is cholestrol 1

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a vital substance that performs special tasks in the body. It is involved in the metabolic process in the brain and a required substance in the production of bile acid for fat digestion. It acts in the formation of vitamin D and hormones such as cortisol, estrogen and testosterone. Because the body produces […]



What is An Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils for healing and cosmetic purposes. It is not new, because the ancient Egyptians have already applied aromatherapy. The use of aromatherapy is a welcome relaxation option once you are stressed out and the time for a holiday is still in […]

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