The main problem for those with oily and combination skin is enlarged pores, which may spoil both the appearance and one’s mood. Our skin consists of thousands of tiny holes, or pores, through which it breathes, removes metabolic products in the form of sweat, and performs other processes. Normally, the pores are almost invisible to the eye, but under unfavourable conditions, they can serve as a comfortable environment for the formation of blackheads and acne, spoiling the skin’s appearance. Enlarged pores are not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous, as can bacteria penetrate through the pores which can cause serious inflammation. Reducing the pores is therefore an important step in ensuring a beautiful and healthy skin.
Causes of enlarged pores
The main causes for the appearance of enlarged pores can be found in a variety of problems inherent in human physiology, as well as the consequences of environmental influences.
Physiological factors
- Genetics. Research has shown that skin type and pore size can be hereditary. This applies to both men and women.
- Skin type. Oily and combination skin has a greater need to secrete large amounts of sebum from the sebaceous glands, resulting in enlarged pores.
- Acne. The presence of blackheads and blemishes indicates clogged pores, which become larger under the oxidative effects of sebum and bacteria.
- Age. As we age, the skin becomes weaker and less elastic, which leads to it stretching. As a result, the pores will enlarge and become more visible.
Food. Over indulgence of sweet, fatty and spicy foods, and carbonated drinks negatively affects the skin and leads to the appearance of enlarged pores.
- Vitamin deficiency. Enlarged pores are one of the signs of vitamin deficiency. Lack of vitamins A and C, and some trace elements negatively affects the condition of the skin.
- Diseases. Malfunctions of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract are common causes of a negative effect on the skin’s condition. Increased oily skin or excessive dryness of the skin also leads to an increase in pore size.
External factors
Adverse environmental impact. These factors include: dust, smog, hard water, exhaust fumes. Small particles of these substances, falling on the surface of the skin and penetrating the pores, clog them and increase their size.
- The solar factor. Numerous studies have proven the harm of ultraviolet radiation. Excessive exposure adversely affects the skin in general and pore size in particular.
- Wrong selection of cosmetics. Your skin can be easily harmed if you choose skin care products without considering your specific skin type and its characteristics.
- Inadequate skin hygiene. Neglecting periodic exfoliation of the skin, and inadequately removing makeup before going to sleep can lead to clogged pores on the face. As a result, dead cells turn into “waste” that fills and enlarges the pores.
To reduce enlarged pores, it is necessary to deeply cleanse the pores from impurities and blackheads, reduce the formation of sebum, accelerate skin regeneration, and sufficiently moisturize the epidermis.
Essential oils have long been used in cosmetics and are ideal for this purpose. Essential oils can be used both by professional beauticians, as well as independently at home. An essential oil should be selected based on your skin type and the problem you are trying to solve. Essential oils can have a tightening effect on the pores, have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and can dissolve the secretions that usually clog the pores. Besides, they help to strengthen the immune system of the epidermis and prevent the formation of wrinkles.
If you want to use an essential oil on the face for cosmetic purposes, make sure not to apply it to the skin in its pure form. They should always be diluted with a base oil. Beauticians advise against mixing essential oils with common store products. This is due to the fact that essential oils penetrate deeply into the epidermis and may drag the unwanted chemicals (which are added to common skin care products) with them. After applying an oil to the skin, it is advisable to wait 1-2 hours for the pores to tighten before applying a cream.
So which oils can deal with enlarged pores?
Top 7 essential oils to tighten enlarged pores
Lemongrass oil
This essential oil has antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, healing, analgesic, fungicidal, antidepressant effects. Cleanses and tightens the pores and smooths out any skin craters. It is recommended to dab it onto the affected area for acne and various inflammatory processes. Due to its disinfecting properties, it fights against bacterial and viral rashes, stimulates the lymphatic system, and removes toxins. It can also reduce greasy hair, scalp and body.
Application: to cleanse and tighten pores, mix 7 drops of lemongrass oil with 10 drops of olive oil, apply to porous areas and leave for 5 minutes, then wash and apply jojoba oil or any soothing cream. Carry out the procedure twice a week, until the total number of procedures of 15 times is reached.
Lavender oil
This soothing oil effectively relieves stress, which helps to tighten pores and reduce breakouts. Due to its natural characteristics, lavender essential oil helps to normalize the sebaceous glands, leaving the skin more matte and tightening pores.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic, it promotes wound healing, tones, dries, reduces oily sheen and tightens pores. It is rich in antioxidants and has antiviral and antifungal properties. For topical use only. Tea tree oil works great when diluted with argan oil to help reduce the amount of sebum in oily skin. These oils complement each other perfectly in the fight against acne, reducing inflammation, enlarged pores and even scarring.
Clove bud oil
Clove bud oil protects, tightens the skin, is used as a remedy for enlarged pores. It has antimicrobial properties and a drying effect.
Lemon oil
Lemon oil dries acne and closed comedones, relieves blackheads, and tightens pores. Removes dead skin cells and improves complexion. It is also used to lighten freckles and age spots. This agent can irritate the skin, and may provoke peeling.
Eucalyptus oil
This oil has antiseptic and analgesic properties. It is an anti-inflammatory and regenerative agent. Evens out complexion, improves epidermis regeneration, soothes the skin, removes blackheads and enlarged pores. It mixes well with grape seed oil and argan oil.
Orange oil
Orange oil is one of the most effective essential oils for oily and problem skin. The citric acid contained in this oil is able to regulate the production of sebum. Moreover, it increases blood circulation. It works as a great antiseptic that prevents acne and pimples. This oil is excellent for tightening pores, eliminating acne scars and reducing wrinkles. As a base oil, grape seed oil is ideal.
There are many ways to eliminate this cosmetic deficiency, these include professional and home treatments. At home, to combat enlarged pores, it is worth carrying out a number of procedures such as thorough cleansing of the face, steam baths, scrubs and masks. To cope with the problem of enlarged pores in the shortest possible time, it is worth applying the whole range of measures at the same time, connecting essential oils.
Application of essential oils
One of the most important preconditions when using essential oils is to never use them in pure, undiluted form. Due to the fact that essential oils are highly concentrated oils, allergic skin reactions may occur when applied to the skin in their pure form. An exception is the use of undiluted oil to treat acne. In this case, the oil is applied pointwise to the inflamed area. When applying an essential oil to the skin for cosmetic purposes, it should be diluted with one of the so-called carrier or base oils. The following natural oils are ideal base oils for dealing with enlarged pores:
- Jojoba oil – soothes, softens, provides antibacterial effect
- Argan oil – Reduces sebum, soothes and smooths the skin
- Grape seed oil – moisturizes, tightens pores
- Sesame oil – eliminates skin flaking, tones and moisturizes
- Sweet almond oil – soothes, cleanses, smooths the skin
Recommendations by beauticians
It is advisable to use oils that tighten pores along with a facial massage. This will enhance the flow of nutrients into skin cells, improving metabolic processes.
Be aware that the first treatment may launch the skin cleansing process, during which there is an intense secretion of sebum and the appearance of spots. Don’t worry, this is a normal reaction of the body, which will quickly stabilize.